T1, Eucalyptus: reduce height by approximately 3m and shorten side growth by a similar amount to a suitable pruning position with cuts no larger than 75mm.T2, Eucalyptus: fell. | Validated: 01/08/2024
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of permission 22/2122/FUL (Erection of two storey 4-bed detached dwelling, erection of a detached single garage and demolition of existing dwelling) to allow changes to first floor elevations, finished floor level and external ground and terrace levels | Validated: 01/08/2024
Proposed works following fire damage: re-build lean-to store with 2no. rooflights on side north west elevation; install 2no. double doors on north west elevation. Roof: Replace damaged timbers, rainwater goods, re-slate and thermal upgrade. Internally: insulate walls, replace internal finishes to partitions, ceilings and plaster; retain internal doors, replace damaged architraves and skirting; replace all floor finishes; floorboards and floor joists replaced where necessary. Externally: all external windows and doors to be replaced; downpipes, guttering and fascia boards replaced; damaged render replaced; damaged timber elements replaced; external wall to bathroom and utility rebuilt. | Validated: 31/07/2024
Retrospective planning application to create hardstanding for parking and undertake building operations to assist with surface water drainage on site | Validated: 31/07/2024
T2, Monterey Pine: thin crown by approximately 30% to include an overall crown spread and height reduction of 1-2 m, maximum diameter of cuts 125mm. | Validated: 31/07/2024
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 24/0139/FUL (demolition and replacement of the existing dwelling and garage and associated minor external works within garden.) to enable increase to ground floor area and changes to fenestration and materials to elevations | Validated: 31/07/2024
Change of use of Cumberland Cottage and its adjoining extensions. Including 1987 front extension and guest house extension, from C1 Hotel to C3 Residential use; change of use of annexe apartments, currently classed as C1 Hotel rooms to C3 Holiday use; remove managers use restriction on residential bungalow. Permission to split and sell all the above properties, plus residential staff cottage leasehold/commonhold | Validated: 30/07/2024
Change of use of Cumberland Cottage and its adjoining extensions. Including 1987 front extension and guest house extension, from C1 Hotel to C3 Residential use; change of use of annexe apartments, currently classed as C1 Hotel rooms to C3 Holiday use; remove managers use restriction on residential bungalow. Permission to split and sell all the above properties, plus residential staff cottage leasehold/commonhold | Validated: 30/07/2024
Prior Approval for the conversion of 2 no agricultural barns to create five commercial units for Class E purposes under Class R. | Validated: 30/07/2024
Proposed conversion of former chapel to create 1 no. dwelling, including enlargement and alteration to existing rear extension, and demolition and partial rebuilding of boundary wall to provide parking. | Validated: 29/07/2024
Removal of existing shed structure and creation of new glazed link between chapel and side chapel, creation of opening in chapel to provide access to new glazed link between chapel and side chapel, creation of raised platform for kitchen and installation of mezzanine level at western end of chapel, enlargement and alteration of door openings in western end of chapel, demolition of wall existing wall and installation of new doorway and glazing into courtyard, blocking up of opening between side chapel and rear extension, repair of windows in principal elevation, and replacement of existing windows in main chapel and side chapel, and demolition and partial rebuilding of boundary wall to provide parking. | Validated: 29/07/2024
Removal of single storey side extension to be replaced with two-storey side extension on North West elevation, single storey rear extension, loft conversion including rear-facing dormer and replacement front porch | Validated: 29/07/2024
Screening opinion for a proposed solar farm with a 15MW output for a temporary period of 50 years, including associated infrastructure, permanent grid connection hub and environmental enhancements. | Validated: 29/07/2024
Variation of condition 5 (operating hours) of planning permission 21/2219/VAR (Erection of retail store (5,996 sq m gross) with petrol filling station, other retail units (633 sq m gross) with assorted car parking, pedestrian and vehicular and vehicular access and landscaping) to allow store servicing, deliveries and associated activities from 5am (instead of 7am) Monday to Saturday | Validated: 29/07/2024
Certificate of existing lawful development to confirm that the overall development as approved under applications 22/0653/FUL and 23/0578/VAR has commenced within 3 years of the date of the permission 22/0653/FUL | Validated: 26/07/2024
Change of use of building (Class E(C)(II)) to 1no dwelling with ancillary accommodation (Class D3), internal alterations on ground floor removing walls to create bathroom | Validated: 26/07/2024
Stuckeys House West Hill RoadWest HillDevonEX11 1TU
Oak: T1 - Crown reduce by 2m in height and crown spread over driveway only. Retaining a tree approximately 8m tall and 4m wide.Oak: T2 - Fell dead stem and prune limb running parallel to house back to secondary union nearest to the trunk to achieve a clearance of 2 to 3m laterally and vertically from house. | Validated: 26/07/2024
Land South Of Sidlaw House CorewaySidfordSidmouthEX10 9SE
T1, Oak: removal of 1 lowest , previously fractured limb, at approximately 175mm diameter at trunk; removal of 1 lowest secondary branch at approximately 125mm diameter at trunk; removal of small epicormic low growth, overhanging garage roof; tip weight reduction to 2 above branches to raise crown over garage roof, reducing limbs by up to approximately 2m back to suitable growth points, with cut diameters up to 75mm. | Validated: 26/07/2024