Dear Creative,
We are delighted to confirm the new recipients of the latest round of the Creative East Devon fund. Other news:
- Arts & Culture after the election
- Introducing our new ACED Champions
- August highlight
- Training opportunities and call outs
 Creative East Devon fund recipients
We are excited to announce the new recipients of the Creative East Devon Fund. Take a look at the list of successful applicants and their inspirational projects.
The fund is still open, so don't forget to submit your applications by 8 November.
Arts & Culture after the election
With the recent change in government, Arts Council England's CEO, Darren Henley, reflects on our next steps after the General Election, and what the arts and culture sector can do.
Festivals Champion: Sue Briggs Chair of Budleigh Literary Festival.
Sue has chaired the voluntary committee of the Budleigh Salterton Literary festival since 2021. Budlitfest celebrates books by the sea, enticing well-known authors, politicians, broadcasters, artists, commentators, illustrators and poets to East Devon in March and September.
Inclusion Champion: Maggie Irving Comedian, Teacher, Director and Researcher.
Maggie lives in Exmouth and has a forty-year career in theatre and performance and the creative industry. Maggie has a passion for growing individuals’ confidence, enhancing communication and undoing barriers to people being seen or heard.
August Highlight
 Sidmouth Folk Festival
This year’s festival is in full swing and for the first time the Children’s Festival Programme is free, assisted by the Creative East Fund through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Children and families can enjoy daytime events and activities free of charge. There’ll be music, theatre, dance, crafting, tried and tested favourites as well as some unexpected and truly magical moments.
Opportunities and call outs
Telling Our Stories Artist Commission: Opportunity for Devon-based, global majority artist to work with young people on Telling Our Stories project. Fee £1,400. Deadline: 9 August.
Paper and Print Project Artist Commission: Double Elephant Print Workshop is offering £5,000 for an artist/collective to create new work creatively responding to the history of Exeter’s papermills. Deadline: 12 August.
Four of Swords (12-16 August). Immersive theatre school for 12-18 yrs in Beer Quarry Caves. Free bursary places available.
Summer Art week at THG (20-24 August). 11 - 17 year olds can try a new art activity over 5 days of the summer holidays.
Biocycles By The Grove (27/28 August) Explore tree life-cycles through creative outdoor workshops & dance performances at Poltimore House garden.
 Training opportunities
ACED Mentoring: Are you (or do you know) a young person aged 18 – 30 who could benefit from having a creative mentor for 6 months? We’ll be pairing our experienced ACED mentors with mentees this September. Apply now.
If you’re interested in becoming an ACED Mentor, our next training session is on Monday 19 August. More details.
Using AI for Writing Funding Bids training by VASW on how to use AI to help write grant applications including for trusts, National Lottery and Arts Council England. Ten free places on first come, first served basis. Deadline: 31.08.24
Do I need to be Self-Employed as an artist? Guide to being self-employed for early career artists. Full of useful links and advice, this guide focuses on the easiest and most common legal setup for individual arts practitioners - operating as a Self-Employed sole trader.
Funding opportunities
The King Charles III Charitable Fund: Grants of up to £5,000 per year to approx. 100 not-for-profit organisations working in education inc. the arts and heritage & conservation. Deadline: 14 August.
Universal Music UK Sound Foundation. Grants of £1,500 to support access to music for schools, students and teachers by supporting the purchase of musical instruments. Deadline: 14 August.
The Elmgrant Trust: Grants of up to £450 for organisations or £150 for individuals for projects to improve the quality of local life and welfare including core running costs or project costs of small established organisations with a proven record of making a significant difference. Deadline: 26 September.
Legal & General and UCL Institute of Health Equity fund. Grants of up to £75,000 to support 150 place-based projects from local authorities, charities, businesses, and community groups. Deadline: 30 September.
Move More open grants of up to £3,000 to encourage Cranbrook residents to be more active. Deadline: tbc
Have a job opportunity or artist call? Please share it: More funding and training opportunities and links to resources on ACED website.
Arts and Culture East Devon (ACED) is a network connecting the artistic communities of East Devon and providing a central platform to engage, network, promote and talk about arts and culture across the region.