Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to one dwelling (Class C3) and associated operational development under Class Q | Date Decided: 11/07/2024
Proposal for internal alterations including layout changes, door openings reinstated, opening fireplace & installation of woodburner, new flooring and installing underfloor heating, secondary glazing throughout, new French doors and external steps with railings, and other general repairs | Date Decided: 11/07/2024
Proposed alterations to internal layout, alterations to modern porch, replacement of modern back door and replacement of modern safety glass in arched window, removal of 2 no. modern windows, installation of 2 no. conservation roof lights and 1 window, re-roofing flat section of roof, installation of drain pipe and installation of estate railings | Date Decided: 11/07/2024
Proposed demolition of an existing conservatory structure to the side of the dwelling and the construction of a replacement single storey side extension.The proposals occupy the same footprint as the approved two storey extension as permitted in July 2022, ref. 22/1170/FUL | Date Decided: 11/07/2024
Renovation or replacement of single glazed timber windows and doors. Internal alterations. Rebuilding of outbuilding to form new kitchen. General remedial work and improvements. | Date Decided: 11/07/2024
Renovation or replacement of single glazed timber windows and doors. Internal alterations. Rebuilding of outbuilding to form new kitchen. General remedial work and improvements. | Date Decided: 11/07/2024
T1 - Sweet Chestnut - coppice back to cliff face - reduce weight on sandstone cliff face.T2 - Sycamore - fell (poor placement of self-seed).T3 - Copper Beech - crown-lift to 4m (feathered fringe - skirt to not be cut straight edged).G1 - x5 Goat Willow - coppice selected stems along the bank of the River Exe - reduce overloading along river bank. | Date Decided: 09/07/2024
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) on 23/2169/FUL - Proposed single storey building to form ancillary accommodation. Proposal for changed external openings to suit a revised layout. | Date Decided: 09/07/2024
Discharge of condition for 23/2719/LBC : Condition 5 (roofing materials, windows, doors, external vents, flues and meter boxes including lighting, and brick sample) | Date Decided: 08/07/2024
Forge Cottage St Andrews RoadCowleyUpton PyneEX5 5EL
Reroofing of existing conservatory, new windows and alterations to existing windows, repointing and other repairs and alteration works. | Date Decided: 08/07/2024
Reroofing of existing conservatory, new windows and alterations to existing windows, repointing and other repairs and alteration works. | Date Decided: 08/07/2024