Demolition of 2no. existing semi-detached dwellings and replaced with 3no. new terraced dwellings and garages with associated landscaping. | Date Decided: 23/05/2024
Potters Country Market West Hill RoadWest HillDevonEX11 1TY
Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide 9no. dwellings and replacement commercial/retail (Class E) space, with associated access, parking and landscaping | Date Decided: 23/05/2024
Demolition of existing single storey garage and store room, erection of two story side extension, and new external materials. | Date Decided: 23/05/2024
Discharge of condition for 22/2505/LBC: Condition 3 (materials), Condition 4 (rainwater goods) and Condition 5 (doors/windows/rooflights) | Date Decided: 23/05/2024
Proposal to demolish part of hall and replace with single storey extension on south elevation. Construction of new carport and shed | Date Decided: 23/05/2024
The installation of modular battery units with ancillary equipment, including power conversion units, 11kV transformer compound, switchroom, DNO substation and site office to provide standby, emergency electricity to support and facilitate renewable and low carbon energy projects. | Date Decided: 23/05/2024
Proposal to replace two single-storey roof areas, fully remove two Yew trees, install solar PV panels to the rear south elevation roof, and install twin air source heat pumps | Date Decided: 21/05/2024
Retention of various works: Damp proof course; blocking up of door at the front of the property; blocking up of door to the rear of the property; building or replacement of porch at the front of the property; alterations of building at the rear of the property from garage to workshop/summerhouse | Date Decided: 21/05/2024
T1: Yew Tree - prune the crown by approximately a 1m in spread, making natural target pruning cuts of up to 25mm in diameter and retaining the dome shape of this tree. | Date Decided: 21/05/2024
T5, Sycamore: repollard to approximately 1.5m above ground level.T8, Sycamore: reduce height of tree by approximately 1.5m-2m via thinning making cuts no greater than approximately 75mm..T9, Ash: reduce height by approximately 2.5m-3m via thinning making cuts no greater than approximately 75mm.T10, Ash: reduce height of trees by approximately 2.5m-3m via thinning making cuts no greater than approximately 75mm.. | Date Decided: 21/05/2024
Front east elevation: replace 3no. windows (W1, W2 & W3) on ground floor and 4no. windows (W8, W9, W10 & W11). Side north elevation: replace 2no. windows on first floor (W12 & W13). Rear west elevation: replace 2no. windows (W6 & W7) on ground floor; replace 3no. windows on first floor (W14, W15 & W16) and 1no. door (Wd2). First floor: removal and construction of walls to create new bathroom and removal of cupboard. general refurbishment of shutters. | Date Decided: 21/05/2024
Discharge of conditions for 24/0220/FUL : Condition 3 (written scheme of investigation) and Condition 5 (soil management plan) | Date Decided: 20/05/2024
Erection of annexe, new access and parking deck, and construction of new retaining structure to enlarge patio to rear of main dwelling | Date Decided: 20/05/2024
Oak - crown reduction to bring the crown back in line with the existing trees. Also, to remove the failing limbs due to cracking and try to reduce the weight on the lower side (pruning cuts extent, as per annotated photograph). | Date Decided: 20/05/2024
Prior approval (class Q) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to 2no dwellinghouses (use class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for conversion | Date Decided: 20/05/2024
Prior approval (class Q) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a single dwellinghouse (use class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for conversion | Date Decided: 20/05/2024
Prior approval (class Q) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a single dwellinghouse (use class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for conversion | Date Decided: 20/05/2024
Prior approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1no. larger dwelling house (use class C3) and associated operational development under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q(a) and Q(b) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) | Date Decided: 20/05/2024