Create ensuite and bedroom on third floor and extend SVP to roof level and install WC in utility room and connect waste pipes | Date Decided: 26/10/2023
Relocation of front door, alterations to fenestration, new fencing along north east boundary, provision of 3 no. new timber gates and relocation of garden studio and shed. | Date Decided: 26/10/2023
Relocation of front door, new internal configurations to hall, kitchen, utility, WC and store areas; removal of first floor bathroom window, addition of 3no. vents for bathrooms and dryer, moving soil vent; provision of 2no. new timber gates, and new external water tap. | Date Decided: 26/10/2023
T1: Birch - crown reduce tree by lowering canopy to reduce height by 3m and spread by 3m Reduce all aspect of crown to suitable growth points, making natural target pruning cuts, making no cuts in excess of approximately 200 mm in diameter. Removing branch lengths no more than 3m long reducing the end weight and lever arm of branches. Branches at risk of contact with roof and guttering of 101 Mill St will be reduced. Maximum diameter cut (MDC) 150mm. Shape aspects to leave a well-balanced tree. Proposed works will be carried out by: Connor Down Tree Surgery, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1AR 01404 815832 email for works: Works required in order to maintain the health, safety and structural integrity of the tree and safety of the properties, and persons. T1 Is a very large tree which has become particularly large for area. (Please see images 'Tree Photos A to J.jpg'). Works required to maintain the tree to mitigate future issues before they arise. Delaying the works will ultimately lead to more invasive works which will be more detrimental to the health of the tree.The Birch has become particularly large for area and is over dominant over properties and gardens 97-99 Mill St to the North and East, and 101 Mill St. to the West and South. The tree blocks out light to 97- 99 Mill St, and 101 Mill St. Large branches are now overhanging garden, land and driveway and are in very close proximity to roof of 101 Mill St. Neighbors (101 Mill St), tena... | Date Decided: 26/10/2023
Land At Pinneys CottageChardstockAxminsterEX13 7BW
There are currently two poles sited in close proximity together in Chardstock, Axminster, EX13 7BW. We wish to reverse the format of the poles, the Current 'H' pole being changed to a single pole and the current single pole changed to a 'H' pole. These works are necessary due to access issues to the poles during fault and maintenance conditions. | Date Decided: 26/10/2023
Tree 1, Turkey oak : Crown reduce the low lateral branch gowning to the north by up to 5 meters making two pruning cuts of approximately 50mm in diameter. Remove one 50mm diameter branch growing to the west. Tree 2, Turkey oak : Remove 4 x branches of around 5cm diameter x 6m long; plus, 1 low branch over hanging the public walkway - again around 5cm in diameter x 6m long.Tree 3, Turkey oak : Remove the very low branches resting on the fence /shed (around 5 branches at 5cm diameter x 2m long) | Date Decided: 26/10/2023
T1, Oak : Reduce height by approximately 1m and shorten back over roof, road and neighbours' garden; remove dead wood over 75mm diameter. | Date Decided: 25/10/2023
T2. Field maple: Reduce to a height of 2.5m, measured from the driveway surface (to the north of the tree). Then manage as a hedgerow, trimmed on an annual basis. T3, Oak : crown reduce by approximately 2m.T4, Cherry : dismantle in stages to near ground level (tree is crowding the garden). | Date Decided: 25/10/2023
Construction of a new detached single storey dwelling with garage and the relocation of two existing garages, including access and landscaping. | Date Decided: 25/10/2023
Demolition of existing side and rear extension and the erection of a new side and rear extension, with roof dormer and external staircase. | Date Decided: 25/10/2023
Internal alterations including underground excavation operations to enlarge the living space, removal of internal wall and re-positioning of fireplace. | Date Decided: 25/10/2023
Proposed 2 storey rear extension. Removal of existing mezzanine and associated structures, Removal of existing staircase, construction of new staircase. Internal walls removed to relocate kitchen and remove bathroom. Partial removal of rear wall to create access to new extension. Hard landscaping at rear to allow for new extension | Date Decided: 23/10/2023
Proposed loft conversion, dormer on north elevation with weather boarding, roof light to south elevation and installation of side facing window at second floor level on East elevation. | Date Decided: 23/10/2023
Certificate of Lawfulness for existing garage to new games room and infilling of existing opening with new door, window and brick work. | Date Decided: 20/10/2023
Proposed replacement of the existing No. 2 mobile caravans with No. 1 wooden chalet (to be used as holiday accommodation), with associated scheme of soft landscaping, installation of a package sewage treatment plant and erection of bat roost | Date Decided: 20/10/2023