T1: Reduce canopy spread on east side by up to 2m, where it encroaches on the house, & reduce the overall height of the tree by approx. 3m.T2: Lowest short branch that overhangs the garden - retain. 2nd lowest extended branch over the garden - reduce by approx. 4m to a suitable growth point or side branch.T3: Oak : reduce the whole leader by 3-4m. | Date Decided: 14/09/2023
Application seeking approval of the reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the enlargement of the existing surface water basin 2c and resulting amendments to the neighbouring footpaths and the construction of a new surface water feature with associated infrastructure and engineering works (Including ground modelling) and landscaping. This is a subsequent application in respect of permission 03/P1900 which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement and seeks the discharge of the relevant conditions of the outline permission (6, 14, 17 and 20.). | Date Decided: 13/09/2023
Construction of four commercial, business and service units (Class E) and nine dwellings with associated access, parking and infrastructure | Date Decided: 13/09/2023
Oak tree approx. 7m to north of house - reduce the canopy on the south and east sides where it overhangs the dwelling and driveway respectively by up to 2-3m, pruning back branches to suitable growth points to accord with BS3998 2010 Tree Work Recommendations and good arboricultural practice | Date Decided: 13/09/2023
Agricultural Building Near Higher Wick Farm WickLuppittEX14 4TY
Conversion of agricultural building into two storey detached dwelling & erection of triple detached garage; conversion of agricultural building into 3no. units of holiday accommodation; stationing of 3no. shepherds huts; construction of paired vehicular accesses & parking courtyards; re-use of slurry pit as a pond; and demolition of milking parlour and barn adjacent junction | Date Decided: 12/09/2023
Proposed replacement of existing corrugated roofing sheets to rear lean-to extension with natural slate tiles and insertion of 2 no. roof windows. | Date Decided: 12/09/2023
Replace 9no. windows on roadside south west elevation and 1no. window on side south east elevation; re-roof side extension and rebuild chimney with pot | Date Decided: 12/09/2023
The erection of a single storey rear extension with a flat roof, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 3.3m, for which the maximum height would be 3.7m and the height of the eaves would be 3m. | Date Decided: 12/09/2023
Construction of single-storey rear extension, extending beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling by 5.5m, for which the maximum height would be 3.5m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 3.5m | Date Decided: 11/09/2023
T1: Horse Chestnut - 2-3m lateral reduction of branches to the south of the tree which overhang properties 5-6 Townhill; max diameter cuts 150mm. | Date Decided: 11/09/2023
Prior approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling (Use Class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion under Class Q(a) and Q(b) | Date Decided: 08/09/2023
Devon Cliffs Holiday Centre Sandy BayExmouthDevonEX8 5BT
Proposed infill development of six static caravans with their associated services and parking spaces within the Haven Devon Cliffs Holiday Park. | Date Decided: 08/09/2023
Re-roof and re-use tiles where possible; replace flashing, new lead valley gutter lining; repairs to roof timbers; fire break in roof space; replace all ceilings at first floor; insulate sections of ceiling; replace flat roof on rear elevation and replace 3no. windows at first floor on north elevation | Date Decided: 08/09/2023
Reserved matters application (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the construction of 135 dwellings including affordable housing, landscaping and associated site infrastructure. Subsequent application to Outline permission 17/1019/MOUT which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement. The proposal seeks the discharge of conditions 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 36 and 37 of the Outlineplanning permission. | Date Decided: 08/09/2023