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Return of Exeter Carnival welcomed after thousands watch city centre parade

Exeter Carnival

Return of Exeter Carnival welcomed after thousands watch city centre parade

The successful return of Exeter Carnival in the city centre has been welcomed by City Council Leader Phil Bialyk.

Thousands of people watched the parade through the city centre on Saturday evening.

Exeter Carnival began its journey in 1977 and was held annually until its 20 year run concluded in 1998.

Coinciding with the Christmas lights, InExeter brought the carnival’s creativity and community spirit back to Exeter to celebrate all that the city has to offer.

Cllr Bialyk said: “This is a wonderful event and it was great to see so many people coming into the city to celebrate. A lot of work has gone into this and I am so pleased to see the results.

“These are difficult times for everyone with the cost of living crisis continuing and I think people welcomed the chance to attend a free event. The carnival brings people together by giving them the chance to come into the city centre and enjoy themselves.”


Other newsCouncil supports 20 community groups offering warm spaces to residents

Warm Spaces in Exeter

Council supports 20 community groups offering warm spaces to residents

Twenty community groups and organisations providing warm spaces for residents this winter have been supported with grants by the City Council.

Warm Spaces Grants of up to £500 were available for organisations to apply for on the Council’s website.

The grant was designed to help with the additional costs community groups will face this winter.

Warm spaces provide residents with somewhere to keep warm, enjoy company and access support if they are struggling to cope with the cost of living.


Time to get vaccinated as flu admissions rise for children and adults
People are being urged to have their flu and Covid-19 jabs, as an increasing number of children and adults are admitted to intensive care in the South West with flu.

Christmas cards and wrapping paper can’t be recycled in Exeter
People in Exeter are being asked to think about the end process when buying Christmas wrapping paper and cards.

Tree planting project gets thousands of trees into the ground
Thousands of native trees will be distributed and planted across Devon this season thanks to Devon’s Wildlife Trust’s Saving Devon’s Treescapes, Working Wetlands and Avon Valley Projects.

Arrangements for Christmas tree disposals in New Year
People in Exeter are being given the opportunity to book a collection of their real Christmas tree in advance of the decorations coming down in the New Year. 

Winners announced in Exeter tree photography competition
A stunning image of sun streaming through a golden-leaved ash tree outside Exeter Library has won the City Council’s tree photography competition.

Local Household Support Fund will target those most in need in Exeter
Councillors have agreed how to distribute the latest Local Household Support Fund which will support low income residents struggling with the cost of living this winter.

Community group wins award for greening up its backyard
Community groups and individuals across Exeter are doing their bit to keep Exeter looking so good with trees and green spaces to enjoy.

Badminton is a perfect way to bring together Exeter’s diverse communities
Free physical activity sessions designed to support Exeter’s diverse communities are taking place at locations across the city.

Executive 29 November 2022
The Executive meeting held on 29 November 2022 can now be viewed on our website.

Love for trees shines through in Exeter during National Tree Week
It’s National Tree Week and in Exeter, people love trees and love taking pictures of trees.

Charity aiming to end violence against women backed by City Council
The World Cup is officially underway - and England fans in Exeter wasted no time in watching their side’s opening game victory over Iran on Monday.

Help plant more trees in Exeter at community planting events
It’s National Tree Week and those who feel passionately about trees are being encouraged to take part in two community planting events in Exeter next month.


Exeter Citizen

Exeter Citizen

Exeter Citizen drops through city’s letterboxes

Packed full with news and information about Christmas events in the city, The Exeter Citizen drops through letter boxes this week.

The Winter 2022 edition of the Citizen – Exeter City Council’s quarterly newspaper will be delivered to homes and businesses throughout the city during the week commencing Monday 28 November.

This month’s publication gets people ready for Christmas with all the information necessary to have a fine festive time. It carries information about pantomimes and shows in the city, late-night shopping, Christmas markets and where to buy those extra special gifts.


Current Vacancies

All of our vacancies can be found at exeter.gov.uk/jobs

Environmental Health Technician - APPLY TODAY
Estates Surveyor - APPLY TODAY
Waste Operative – LGV C Driver/Loader - APPLY TODAY
Waste Operative C1 – 7.5t Driver/Loader - APPLY TODAY
Welcome Host - APPLY TODAY

Our latest planning applications

View all of the planning applications we've received this week. You can view them online by clicking on the application number.

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Ross Noble

Jibber Jabber Jamboree marks Ross Noble’s 21st solo stand-up tour. 

To celebrate this milestone, he invites you to join him for an evening of the sort of inspired nonsense that has cemented his place as the supreme master of stream of conscious freewheeling stand up. 

This is a chance to see Noble live on stage in his natural habitat. 

What’s it about? What will we learn? How will it change the world? Are all pointless questions to ask when Noble is off on one of his tangents. Grab a ticket and come and enjoy the ride. 

“Beautifully twisted thoughts”  The Times

“The supreme master of spontaneous stand-up and true king of surreal flights of fantasy”  Time Out

‘One of comedy's greatest marvels’  The Daily Telegraph

Thrilling to watch………..weepingly funny’  Mail on Sunday

 8pm (doors 7.15)

Book tickets today
