Tachograph retrofitting for goods journeys crossing and recrossing the UK / Ireland border
To meet international obligations, any HGV installed with an analogue or digital tachograph and used on international transport journeys between the UK and EU must be fitted with a smart tachograph 2 by 31 December 2024.
The Department have clarified tachograph retrofitting rules for certain goods journeys crossings and re-crossing the UK/Ireland border only for transit without loading or unloading.
What you need to know
The retrofit requirement will not be enforced before 31 March 2025 by authorities in the:
- UK for vehicles registered in the Republic of Ireland which cross Northern Ireland without loading or unloading on journeys between 2 points in the Republic
- Republic of Ireland for vehicles registered in the UK which cross the Republic of Ireland without loading or unloading on journeys between 2 points in the UK (for example 2 points in Northern Ireland or between Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Any relevant vehicle transporting a load between the UK and the Republic of Ireland must still have a smart 2 tachograph fitted by 31 December 2024, except where a vehicle has already been fitted with a Smart tachograph 1.