We're updating our IVA and MSVA application forms

We're updating our IVA and MSVA application forms

From today, Wednesday 1 May 2024, we're introducing new application forms for Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) and Motorcycle Single Vehicle Approval (MSVA).

All applications will need to be submitted using the new updated forms, publication version “May 2024”. From Monday 10 June 2024, we will no longer accept old forms as they will not have all the information we need to process your application quickly.

You can find the updated forms on GOV UK:

IVA - Vehicle approval: Individual vehicle approval application forms - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

MSVA - Vehicle approval: Motorcycle single vehicle approval - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The changes

Some of the changes we've made to the application forms include:

  • Additional questions on whether the vehicle is hybrid and electric.
  • Adding a statement to the declaration that the customer has read and understood the refund policy.

By using the latest versions of the forms, it will help improve the speed of processing whilst reducing the amount of call contact with customers.