From 1 June 2021, any prohibitions for testable vehicles or trailers that are not cleared at the roadside will be referred for a DVSA prohibition removal inspection at an ATF.
The temporary measures were put in place when vehicle testing was stopped because of COVID-19. These are being removed now that the service has recovered to a point where the majority of prohibition clearances can return to physical inspections.
If the vehicle is being used with a certificate of temporary exemption or the annual test certificate is over 6 months old, the vehicle will be referred for a full removal inspection. A new annual test certificate will be issued with the removal notice once a pass result is achieved.
Vehicles with an annual test certificate less than 6 months old will be referred for a partial inspection, where a removal notice will be issued.
Prohibitions issued for an annual test dangerous fail or police issued prohibitions will be removed through the usual process of a DVSA inspection at the ATF.
The DVSA remote enforcement office will still process remote prohibition removals for notices which were issued before 1 June 2021.