How we've updated the MOT testing service: 21 September 2017

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How we've updated the MOT testing service: 21 September 2017

Last night we made some more improvements to the MOT testing service.

You’ll now be able to download a spreadsheet of vehicle testing station (VTS) test quality information (TQI), as shown on the screen below:

screen showing where the link to access the csv file is

We’ve also redesigned the spreadsheet to make the information clearer.

You’ll see an overview of the test information for a VTS and a breakdown of figures which represent all its testers.

Downloading this will show you these details for the previous month or previous 3 months, as shown by clicking on this link.


Users with the AEDM, AED and site manager roles will receive a notification whenever the latest TQI becomes available.

The link contained in the notification will depend on the role the user has, so those with:

  • AEDM and AED roles will be directed to the AE service reports screen, where they can see the TQI for their site(s)
  • the site manager role will be directed straight to the TQI for their VTS

Users will only receive a single notification per AE or VTS association. If they also hold these roles at other AEs and VTSs, they’ll get additional notifications to cover these – as shown below.

1. For AEDMs and ADMs:

screen showing what notifications AEDMs and ADMs will see

2. For site managers:

screen showing what notifications site managers will see

We're putting together some guidance for users. This will give them a better understanding of TQI and test logs to help identify anything unnusual and improve MOT test quality.