Parent Carer Update
PCF Engagement
On 13th November, senior managers met with the PCF to discuss the challenges parents and carers have experienced during the start of the autumn term. There have been three major programmes of work over the summer, which has placed significant additional challenges on the team, which has also meant parents and carers have not always received the level of service they would normally expect. Meeting was very productive and this will now form the start of a series of meetings, as we look to strengthen arrangements with PCF and work together on further changes and improvements. Key points emerging from the meeting are:
- Producing a simple guide to help parents complete travel support application forms
- Adding information to the local offer on key dates for 2024
- Publicising times on the local offer when best for parents to call. For urgent calls parents / carers should call as soon as they are aware of the issue ie taxi not arrived, child unable to go to school etc. For non-urgent calls ie checking status of application, parents / carers are advised to call between 10am-2pm.
- Publicising on the local offer a sample epilepsy document that is provided to contractors so parents and carers can better understand what information is provided to contractors
Risk Assessments
A focused piece of work has started to ensure that all children who receive transport have the appropriate level of risk assessment. Children with the most complex needs are being reviewed first, before progressing with the remaining children and young people. An external contractor has been commissioned to start this work and this is progressing well, and staff within the team are being upskilled to continue this work.
Who Are WeLoveCarers?
WeLoveCarers is a local charity, based in Stourbridge who support all unpaid Carers in the Dudley Borough and beyond.
Anyone who is looking after a relative, a friend or a neighbour can come to us for information, advice and support and we have an array of activities and events to get involved in if you want to. The charity provides an understanding and compassionate ear because we are run by Carers like yourself. We know what Caring for a loved one means and the struggles you can face.
We are open to all unpaid Carers. If you need support of any kind, you can be referred to us or you can self-refer by emailing us on or by filling in the form on our website
Here's a very brief outline of what we offer, but this list is by no means exhaustive: -
- Play and activity groups for children with disabilities and their siblings aged 0 – post 25.
- Advocacy
- Form filling support
- Groups and activities for parents/carers to offer a peer support network and help improve mental health (Minimal Cost Involved)
- Information Coffee Mornings from different services to keep Carers informed.
- Branching out to Family Hubs to better reach local communities
- 1 – 1 Support
- Up-to-date information on what help is available for Carers.
- Signposting to another services/organisation if needed.
- Option to join our Membership Scheme available, which offers discounts on groups/activities, a monthly prize draw and discounts with local businesses.
If you need any other information, please email us as above, or call 01384 396626 between 9am and 3pm. If your call cannot be answered, there is a voicemail, and someone will return your call as soon as possible.
For more on range of activities support available visit
The Dudley NHS Foundation Trust achieves new rating from CQC for its services for children and young people
Following an inspection of urgent and emergency services and services for children and young people at Russells Hall Hospital, the CQC shared their new rating confirming that the services for children and young services has moved from a rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’.
The CQC said that staff treated children and young people with compassion and kindness, respecting their privacy and dignity. The service planned care to meet the needs of local people and took account of the individual needs of children and young people in their care.