Programmes Funding Newsletter - January 2023

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Programmes Funding Newsletter

 January 2023

Hello and welcome to the first edition of 2023 of the Programmes Funding Newsletter

For further information on anything in this newsletter or to receive further advice and guidance for your specific project or application, please contact the team by email

Many thanks     

Policy, Insight & Change Team

Money Saving Expert (MSE) Charity to Reopen

Funded by Money Saving Expert, the MSE Charity gives grants to not-for-profit organisations that deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money.

The next round will focus on Raising the Next Generation. Under this theme, projects should support the younger generation (under 25) to help them learn financial life skills and to grow during the difficult financial climate.

Grants of up to £7,500 are available.

This round is due to open at 9am on 3rd January, 2023.


MSE Charity Details


New Round of Community Grants from NHS Blood and Transplant

Previously known as the Community Investment Scheme, the newly named Community Grants Programme has now launched for 2023 and is accepting applications.

The funding is intended for community and faith/belief organisations to positively engage Black, Asian, mixed heritage and minority ethnic communities.

Grants can cover costs directly related to projects which drive awareness of deceased organ donation, living kidney donation, blood donation and stem cell donation.

The deadline to apply is midnight on 8th January, 2023

Community Grants Programme Details  


Launch of New Transport Research and Innovation Grants 

The Transport Research and Innovation Grant (TRIG) supports future leaders in transport innovation by awarding 100% funding for the development of new technology.

Proposals should clearly highlight the innovative and novel aspects of their potential transport solution. The solution could well be a completely novel idea or approach.

Over five separate calls, in addition to an open call, the DfT will offer innovators grants of up to £30,000 to undertake early stage, high-risk research and development projects.

TRIG is open to SMEs, large businesses, universities, and research and technology organisations based in the UK. The funder will consider proposals from consortia.

The deadline for applications is 15th January, 2023.

Transport Research and Innovation Grant Details

New £3m Platinum Jubilee Village Halls Fund Accepting Applications 

Announced by Defra to mark the occasion of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee in May 2022, the fund recognises the important role that village halls play in supporting rural communities.

The funding aims to support the modernisation and improvement of village halls, so that they are fit for purpose.

The grants are for capital improvements only, where projects aim to either upgrade, extend or improve facilities or where capital items need to be purchased. The grants cannot be used for maintenance, repair or renewal work.

The deadline for the first round of Stage 1 applications is midnight on 20th January, 2023.

Platinum Jubilee Village Halls Fund Details

Accelerating Trustworthy AI: Phase I Feasibility Study Competition

The aim of this Innovate UK (IUK) competition is to accelerate the adoption of trusted and responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, by reducing bottlenecks during development and deployment of such technologies.

Projects must focus on one or more of the following: Data pre-processing, Modelling, Evaluation, Deployment.

This is phase 1 of a potential 2 phase competition.

The deadline for applications is 11am on 25th January, 2023.

Accelerating Trustworthy Feasibility Study Details

New Fund Launching for Racial Justice and Mental Health Projects 

Synergi is a programme of work which focuses on the intersection of racial justice and mental health.

One-year grants of £2,000 to £3,000 will be on offer to organisations which are:

  • Led by and for Black people and people of colour.
  • Led by and for people who have shared experiences or identities with those they are creating spaces for.
  • Benefitting people or communities who live with mental ill-health, trauma, and distress.

The fund will open on 4th January, 2023 and close on 29th January, 2023.

Synergi Small Grants Details


Amazon Literary Partnership Reopens for 2023

Amazon Literary Partnership has launched its fourth year of funding to provide grants to literary organisations that develop emerging writers, support diversity, celebrate storytelling, and/or build authors’ careers.

Previous grant recipients represented institutions large and small, national, and local, and included not-for-profit writing centres, residencies, fellowships, after-school classes, literary magazines, national organizations supporting storytelling and free speech, and internationally acclaimed publishers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

The deadline for applications is 31st January, 2023


Amazon Literary Partnership Details


IUK Launches Sustainable Bio-based Materials and Manufacture Feasibility Study Competition

Led by Innovate UK (IUK), this competition aims to develop the design and delivery of new and disruptive sustainable biomanufacturing by 2050. Funded projects will allow businesses and academic researchers to work together and develop more sustainable bio-based products, biotechnology processes and innovations.

Up to £2 million has been allocated to fund innovation projects. Each project’s total costs must be between £50,000 and £100,000.

The deadline for applications is 11am on 1st February, 2023.

Sustainable Manufacture Feasibility Study Details

Launch of Grants to Support End of Life Care for Prisoners

As part of its partnership with Linder Foundation, Hospice UK is delivering a new programme which aims to expand hospice care for prisoners and improve understanding of the unique needs that imprisoned people will have at the end of life.

12-month grants of up to £15,000 are on offer, from a total funding pot of £75,000.

Grants can cover a range of costs associated with project implementation and delivery, including staff costs, transport and training.

The deadline to apply is 5pm on 1st February, 2023.

Hospice Grants 2022 Details


New Grants for Digital Projects to Tackle Problems in Vocational Learning

The VocTech Activate scheme has been launched to support the development of new ideas that use digital tools and approaches to transform how people in the UK gain skills for work.

The design, development and early stage testing of novel approaches to digital vocational learning will be funded.

There is an overall budget of £900,000 available. Individual grants of between £30,000 and £60,000 will be awarded for projects lasting up to 12 months.

Applicants are encouraged to attend a grant workshop before applying to the fund. More details about these workshops are available at the funder’s website.

The fund will open for stage 1 applications on 11th January, 2023. The deadline to apply is 5pm on 8th February, 2023.

VocTech Activate Scheme Details

New Grants from Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust

The Grassroots Movement Fund is a pilot programme which will see £1 million awarded to small third sector organisations throughout 2023 to support the sustainability of grassroots social justice work.

Grants of £10,000 to £70,000 are available for up to two years.

Although the funders are unable to fund core costs (eg salaries, office rent) for most organisations which are not registered charities, they will include an appropriate amount to cover day-to-day running costs.

The deadline to apply is 19th February, 2023

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Details

Community Action Fund Now Open to Applications 

The Civic Power Fund is the first donor fund dedicated to community organising, which aims to provide targeted long-term funding across the UK.

Grants of £2,500 to £20,000 are on offer, with funding to be used to build community resources to take action on issues that matter to them.

To apply, groups must complete a short eligibility questionnaire by 26th February, 2023.

Civic Power Fund Details

Masonic Charitable Foundation Offering New Grants Programme

The Masonic Charitable Foundation has launched a new fund that seeks to ensure that marginalised individuals and those experiencing poverty have equitable access quality care at the end of life.

Applications will be considered from full member adult hospices and children's hospices.

Total available funding in this grant round is £300,000. It is expected that between eight and ten grants of up to £35,000 will be awarded to local hospices in this round

The deadline to apply 5pm on 28th February, 2023.


MCF Hospice Grants Details

Better Food for All – IUK Announces Innovation for Improved Nutrition Competitions

The aim of the Innovate UK (IUK) Better Food for All: Innovation for Improved Nutrition Competitions is to support organisations in the development of innovative solutions to address significant nutrition challenges.

Projects must have the potential to impact the nutritional quality of food and drink products consumed by the UK population.

All three competition strands open on 11th January, 2023. The deadline for applications is 11am on 29th March, 2023.


Better Food for All Details

BME Youth Together Fund Accepting Applications

Formerly known as the Tackling Inequalities Fund, The Together Fund is a Sport England initiative which supports non-profit community organisations to recover and emerge from the long-term impacts of COVID-19.

BME Youth is administering this programme, which sees grants of £10,000 on offer to voluntary and community sector organisations. However, applications from NHS/Local Authority or Leisure Trusts will be considered if it can be demonstrated that this is the best way to engage the relevant communities.

Grants can be used for costs associated with project delivery including equipment, hire of facilities, coach fees and transport and travel.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until 31st March, 2023.


BME Youth Together Fund Details

Ernest Cook Opens Outdoor Essentials Grant

The Ernest Cook Trust is an educational charity that gives grants to not-for-profit organisations in the UK wishing to encourage an environmentally engaged society.

This current round of funding is for grants to be used for transport and travel costs to outdoor learning venues.

Applications are accepted from UK state funded Primary and Secondary schools.

Grants of £500 per school are available.

The application window will close when a ceiling number of applications is reached.

Outdoor Essentials Grant Details

Further Information:

Newsletter produced by Policy, Insight and Change Team, Doncaster Council.