Programmes Funding Newsflash - 10th November, 2022

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          Programmes Funding Newsflash    


Good Morning

Please find attached a funding newsflash detailing a couple of funding opportunities with imminent deadlines.

Many thanks     

Policy, Insight & Change Team

Charities Aid Foundation Offering Unrestricted Grants Programme

The Keystone Fund is offering grants of £5,000 to £50,000 to UK charitable organisations addressing social injustice or working towards social equity to build a fairer society for all. These might be organisations which primarily support:

  • Refugees.
  • People experiencing racial inequity.
  • People experiencing digital poverty.
  • People at risk of homelessness.
  • Deaf and disabled people.
  • LGBQT+ people.

The deadline to apply is 23rd November, 2022.

Keystone Fund Details


Fifth Round of Youth Music Incubator Fund Now Open 

Funding is available to businesses, collectives and not-for-profits working in the  music industry to help create sustainable, meaningful career opportunities for young people aged 18-25, especially those who are currently underrepresented in the sector.

Grants of between £5,000 and £30,000 are available for organisations.

Sole traders may apply for grants of between £5,000 and £15,000.

A maximum of £5,000 can be given to each 18-25 year old supported through any grant.

The deadline for applications to Round Five of the Incubator Fund is 5pm on 2nd   December, 2022.

Youth Music Incubator Fund Details

Further Information:

Newsflash produced by Policy, Insight and Change Team, Doncaster Council.