Coronavirus Doncaster: Update - 22 October

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Coronavirus Doncaster: Update

Dr Rupert Sucking


Hi I’m Dr Rupert Suckling, Director for Public Health in Doncaster. 

Similar to the picture we’re seeing across the country at the moment, our local Covid case rate is high. It currently stands at 551.8 per 100,000 people for the period 9-16 October. 

This is actually a slight drop from the rates we were recording earlier in the week but is still far greater than we would like to see. 

Local COVID data

This is especially true when looking at the rates within over 60s – statistically the most vulnerable age group to Covid. Our rates in over 60s have been hovering around the 300s this week, and the majority of patients being treated in hospital are also within this age bracket. 

Our vaccination programme continues to do much of the heavy lifting but with all this in mind, I would once again ask everyone to consider the risks and err on the side of caution over the coming days and weeks. 

If you are showing any symptoms, please isolate and book a test immediately. Don’t visit friends or family as you could be spreading the virus to someone much more vulnerable to it. This is especially important during half term, as many grandparents and family members will be providing childcare over the next week. 

Wearing face coverings in indoor crowded places, regular hand washing, regular LFT testing and getting vaccinated against both Covid and Flu are all ways in which we can play our part to keep communities as safe as possible. 

Importantly, anyone who had their second dose more than six months ago can now dial 119 or go on the NHS website to book their booster jab. I’d encourage everyone to do this as soon as possible. 

Finally, 12-15 year olds will soon be able to get their vaccines at vaccine clinics, not just at school. Watch out for further details on this next week via the Doncaster Council and Doncaster CCG social media pages.

Let’s keep going and together, we can do it for Doncaster.

Dr Rupert Suckling

Director of Public Health

Child showing symptoms? Remember to get a test before asking someone to look after them

As we approach half term you might be organising childcare with grandparents or other family or friends for your kids.

If your children do start to show symptoms at any point, remember you need to isolate and book a test straight away.

If you ask others to look after your children whilst they're ill and without getting the confirmation that they've tested negative, you could well be helping to spread the virus to more vulnerable people.

And a reminder that not every person in the household needs to isolate if someone has tested positive, as long as...

  • You're double-vaccinated
  • You're not showing any symptoms

(It's also advised to book a PCR test straight away if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive).

More Information on Isolation


Drop In Vaccination Clinics

DROP-IN DATES: There are drop-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics taking place across Doncaster this weekend where you can get 1st and 2nd dose jabs!

For more information and to view the full list of clinics that are running please visit the CCG's dedicated webpage

For proof of vaccination use the NHS App or visit to see other ways to get your NHS Covid Pass.

Grab a Jab!

Drop In Vaccinations

Doncaster Things

Finding ways to entertain the kids during half-term can leave any parent shaking with terror.

But never fear, the Doncaster Things are here and with a whole host of ghoulishly exciting Things to do this half-term. From pumpkin picking to Halloween trails, there is lots to be getting up to this spooky season.

Doncaster spooky things

Half Term Free School Meals 

The council is supporting funding for schools so that families who are eligible for Free School Meals will continue to receive them throughout this half term.

If you would like further information about Free School Meals and to check your eligibility, please visit Doncaster Council's dedicated webpage.

Free School Meals

Join us on Nextdoor!

We're pleased to say we've joined Nextdoor to give local updates on issues in your area.

If you don't know what Nextdoor is, it's a new social media channel where you can connect to the neighbourhoods that are around where you live. When you sign up, you have to input your postcode, so you'll only receive updates on the things that matter to you locally.

All Doncaster residents who sign up will be able to see our posts (so you don't have to search for us!).

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You can download the NHS COVID-19 app here:

