Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

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Just because it is behind closed doors it does not mean it should be private.

October is Domestic Abuse awareness month, domestic abuse can happen to anyone regardless of profession, gender, sexual orientation, men and women as well as children living in a domestic abuse household can be victims.

It can be difficult for people to recognise and accept that they are a victim of domestic abuse, if you think that someone you know is being abused, it is important to speak up. A lot of people worry that it is none of their business, yet you could save a person’s life by speaking up. It’s better to speak up, even if you’re wrong, rather than saying nothing at all.

Often, people in domestic relationships need someone to help them out of the situation, and so one conversation can make all of the difference.  If you would like to find out more information about the support available so that you can help yourself or someone you know visit or call the Domestic Abuse Hub on 01302 737080

Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse isn’t always a physical act, it includes a range of abusive behaviour between people 16 years or older and can affect both men and women, who are or were intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender:

  • Physical
  • Sexual
  • Financial
  • Psychological or emotional

Children and young people can also be affected by the abuse that they see and hear, and they can be harmed as part of domestic abuse between adults. Young people may also experience abuse from their own boyfriend/girlfriend.

The Domestic Abuse Hub

The domestic abuse hub is a collection of domestic abuse services working across the Doncaster supporting ALL victims of domestic abuse.  The support is available for people in heterosexual relationships, for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.  Support is available for people being abused by a partner or an ex-partner or for people who are being abused by a family member e.g. son, daughter, sibling, grandchild.  These agencies are working together in a Domestic Abuse Hub which makes it simple and easy to get the help you need when you need it.

Domestic abuse workers can support people aged 16 years or older. The specialist workers can provide practical and emotional support to you, family members and also signpost on to services for those that commit domestic abuse.

For more information visit and complete our online self-referral form. or call 01302 737080, email

Alcohol and drugs

When people who are harming others also use alcohol and drugs it can increase the hurt they cause.  Alcohol and drugs are also often used as an excuse for the abuse.  There is never an excuse for abusing someone else. 

If you are worried about your drinking and the affect it has on your actions then help is available from Inspire to Change.

Aspire Community

Alcohol support - NHS

DDAS Alcohol

Stalking and harassment

Stalking and harassment can happen to anyone and is a form of domestic abuse. It can make you feel scared, anxious and afraid of leaving your home, stalking is usually constant and unwanted attention in person, online or via the phone. Some of the behaviours you experience may seem small, but together they form a pattern of behaviour that is frightening and upsetting. Stalking is a criminal offence and if you go to the police they will take it seriously.  

Call the National Stalking Helpline on 0808 802 0300 run by Suzy Lamplugh Trust

Visit call the Domestic Abuse Hub on 01302 737080


Are you worried that you are hurting someone?

We know that some people that have been abusive towards others deeply regret what happened and have made changes to their lives to end the abusive behaviour.  Sometimes both people in a relationship can be abusive towards each other.

Alongside support for victims there is help if you are worried about some of your behaviours and would like to make changes, help is available from Inspire to Change

Cranstoun Inspire to Change - Cranstoun

Domestic abuse pin

Could you become a domestic abuse champion?

Could you be one of our Domestic Abuse Champions? We are looking for representatives from local organisations to be part of the Doncaster domestic abuse champions network.  The role involves joining with like-minded people who are passionate about raising awareness of domestic abuse and improving access to information and support for victims.  You will need to complete domestic abuse training and be prepared to champion the cause within your workplace.

If you’d like to enrol onto a training course, visit Domestic Abuse - Training - Doncaster Council all training courses are FREE. Those that have completed the training will be eligible to wear the domestic abuse pin badge.  The badge is worn to make others aware that you understand about domestic abuse and are a safe person for victims to approach for help and support.

Once there’s an army of badge wearers in Doncaster, an awareness campaign is planned to let people know what we are doing.