Following today’s publication of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) green paper, this edition of the Teacher Bulletin focuses on supporting children and young people with SEND - whether they are in mainstream or special schools - and those young people in AP.
What is the SEND and AP green paper?
Today, we have published the SEND and AP review - right support, right place, right time - setting out proposals to deliver improved outcomes for children and young people with SEND or who need AP.
We have set out the findings and proposals of the SEND Review in a green paper, which is open for public consultation and feedback.
The green paper at a glance
Our ambition is for every child to have access to high quality teaching and support, usually in their local mainstream school, so we want to make sure you have the support and tools you need to meet the needs of your pupils.
This means providing greater consistency in what provision is available at different stages of education, as well as more support and training for teachers and education staff, with targeted support brought to the child if needed. For those with more complex needs, we want to ensure timely access to specialist support when required, including placements in AP.
Proposals in the SEND and AP review include:
a single, national SEND and AP system with new statutory national SEND and AP standards that set out how needs are identified and met at every stage across education, health and care. This will establish what support should be provided in schools as standard, when extra provision is required and how it is accessed.
simplified Education, Health and Care Plans with a standardised and digitised EHCP process and template, to minimise bureaucracy and deliver consistency.
excellent provision from early years to adulthood through improved staff training with the introduction of a new SENCo NPQ, as well as investment in new, and improvements to existing, specialist and alternative provision and an increase in the number of staff with an accredited level 3 qualification in early years settings.
a reformed and integrated role for AP including a new delivery model in every local area focused on early intervention, providing support in mainstream schools and establishing AP to form an integral part of local SEND systems, with improvements to settings and more funding stability.
system roles, funding and accountability with clearer roles and responsibilities for every partner across education, health, care and local government, equipping each partner with the levers they need to fulfil their responsibilities.
Have your say in the consultation
Teachers, education staff and SEND professionals can reflect on the proposals set out in the green paper and respond to a public consultation.
The consultation has launched today and will run for 13 weeks, closing on Friday 1 July 2022. We want to hear from you, your pupils and their families.