We have listened to families and expanded our SEND improvement plans to create system-wide change. This follows a recommendation by the Children’s Scrutiny Committee SEND Task Group and reflects what families have told us about the current system of SEND support.
The commitment, made by the Devon SEND Improvement Partnership Board on 14 September, means that Devon will look at not just areas of weakness identified by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission but at the whole experience.
You can also read the minutes of the September Improvement Board here.
Please take part in the DiAS parent carers SEND training survey!
Many parents and carers would like to learn more about how to support their child with SEND at nursery, school or college.
DiAS already runs some free information sessions but would like to know if parents and carers want something different. What you tell them will shape the future information and training they develop and run.
DiAS have made a short survey so you can share your views and ideas. There are eight questions and most of them are multiple choice. It should take just a few minutes to complete it. The closing date is Friday 6 October 2023.
Take part in the DIAS survey online.
If you are a professional working with parents and carers, please let them know about the survey.
Findings of the parent carer and young people's surveys
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the SEND parent carer and young people’s survey before the summer break and to Parent Carer Forum Devon (PCFD) for conducting this on behalf of the local area. We recognise that this is not a survey that PCFD or young people would have chosen to do themselves and that it doesn’t reflect the whole lives of families. The questions asked through this survey will be a baseline to enable the local area to show progress against the areas identified by Ofsted and CQC in 2022.
The Parent Carer Forum Devon have now published a report on the findings of the surveys run in May 2023.
Like almost all local areas, we will be working with Parent Carer Forum Devon, and with our young people supported by our participation teams, to make sure the services we plan and deliver meet the needs of children and young people with SEND and their families.
Educational Psychology early intervention work returning to Devon schools with greatest inclusion need
Devon County Council’s Educational Psychology (EP) service will gradually return to early intervention work with schools and settings from January 2024. This part of our focus on getting the right help in place early on so that children and young people are supported to attend their local schools as much as possible.
We need to balance this early intervention work with reducing the time children and young people are waiting for EP advice as part of their education, health and care needs assessments (EHCNAs). So we are initially offering the in-school support to the 100 schools we have identified as having the highest inclusion need.
Read more about the return of Educational Psychology early intervention work on the DCC website.
Autism and Us – autumn term dates
“I’m feeling less alone. I’ve already implemented small tips and it’s made such a difference.”
Devon’s popular Autism and Us programme has returned this autumn, with a combination of four-week courses and one-off workshops.
The programme offers support for families of children and young people who have an autism diagnosis, are waiting for one, and those not seeking a diagnosis but would welcome support. It is designed for parent/carers of primary and secondary school children in Devon. And we’re adding more workshop dates. Details of the programme and how to book are on the SEND Local Offer website.
Lampard Community School’s new extension increases pupil capacity by 60 places
The new Ocean Building, at the Lampard Community School in Barnstaple, is the final part of a £4.5 million refurbishment. It will increase pupil capacity at the specialist school in North Devon by 60 places. The funding for the project came from DCC’s Strategic Planning SEND Capital budget and their Built Environment maintenance budget. Read more about the investment in Lampard Community School.
New Promise School site in Okehampton opens
The Promise School, part of Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust, has just moved into its custom-built site in the centre of Okehampton. The school supports up to 100 pupils, aged from four to 16, who have social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs.
The school was commissioned in response to a clear need in the local area for a new school that could effectively cater for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Its location was chosen to specifically address the lack of special school provision in the west Devon area, which in turn will help to reduce journey times for vulnerable pupils.
Read more about the Promise's new premises.
Let’s Talk Teens and Pre-Teens
The Let’s Talk Teenagers and Let’s Talk Pre-Teens webinar series covers a range of topics relevant to young people, and is available for both parent/carers and professionals.
The series provides online support sessions and an opportunity for parents and carers of teenagers and pre-teens to hear about the challenges young people are facing today and discover ways to help them navigate their way through them.
You can see what webinars are coming up in October on Safer Devon and South Devon and Dartmoor CSP's Eventbrite listings.
Two Cerebral Palsy studies in Devon seeking young people to take part
The University of Exeter are looking to recruit children with cerebral palsy (CP) for two different studies.
- One study on strength training and brain-muscle connection will involve doing exercises at home, and also visiting the St Luke’s campus in Exeter. The researchers are looking for children and young people aged five to 14 years old. Read the full details of the study here: Cerebral Palsy: How does strength training improve brain-muscle connection?
- The other study is looking at the potential of virtual reality headsets in rehabilitation and will involve a visit to a research lab in Exeter. They are looking to recruit young people aged 10 to 17 years old. Contact, Mohammed Alrashidi by email - ma890@exeter.ac.uk
Supporting children and young people who are deaf or have hearing loss
At Devon County Council our Sensory and Physical Team support more than 1,000 children or young people, from birth through to 25 years old, who are deaf or have hearing loss. For International Week of Deaf People in September the theme was a world where Deaf people can sign everywhere. So we shared information about learning BSL, and the support the DCC team offers.
Devon Children and Families Partnership becomes Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership
From 5 September 2023, the Devon Children and Families Partnership (DCFP) have changed their name to the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership (Devon SCP).
Read more about the change in focus on the Devon SCP website.