A new Co-production Advisory Group (COAG)
Feedback from our ongoing Co-production Awareness sessions indicates that it would be useful for a group who are enthusiastic about developing co-production in adult social care to meet regularly and provide an opportunity for staff such as Commissioners and Project Managers to discuss how to apply co-production to their projects and work.
The first meeting of our new Co-production Advisory Group (COAG) will therefore be taking place on 24th October 10:00am-12:00pm on Microsoft Teams.
If you would like to get involved please contact: adultsc.coproductiontaskfinish-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
Ongoing Co-production Awareness Sessions.
These courses are open to all and cover the history, principles and challenges of Co-production. All courses are run by the Co-production Working Group which is made up of people with lived experience of receiving adult social care and support and carers. The Co-production Working Group are looking at ways of working in partnership with people who use services, carers and citizens to improve public services.
Next General Awareness Session is on 31 October 2023!
To book a course and find out more - Co-production Awareness Training and Network - Have Your Say (devon.gov.uk)
We can offer help and support with your Co-production project, please contact us on: adultsc.coproductiontaskfinish-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
Devon Adult Social Care Co-production supported by the Involvement & Equalities Team, Integrated Adult Social Care. You contact the Team direct on: socialcareinvolvement-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
LGA Peer Challenge and co-production
This summer Devon County Council participated in a Peer Challenge organised by the Local Government Association (LGA) in which a team from other authorities reviewed Devon's performance.
The Peer Challenge team included a member with lived experience in adult social care and were very interested and complimentary about our involvement work, including co-production.
One of the key recommendations from the Peer Challenge was:
"Building on existing work on coproduction will help to engage with wider communities, and to develop services (at both individual and macro-levels) that best meet their needs. It will allow staff and system leaders to learn from those who have lived experience of using adult social care and other public services, and to develop an offer in line with what works best for local people. And it can help to build capital with those who will continue to rely on local services in the coming years, and whose support will be needed when making difficult decisions, or managing significant transformation in how services are offered."
Community Services Review group
We have a new co-production group supporting the Community Services Review.
The Community Services Co-Design Group has representation from providers, the voluntary sector, service users, carers and staff.
The group will ensure that wherever possible the principles of co-production inform the development of activities such as personal care and enabling which fall within the broad Community Services Review.
Do you have a co-production story you would like to share?
We are looking for examples of pieces of work that have been co-created, co-designed or co-produced .
If you have an example you would like to share with us then please contact: adultsc.coproductiontaskfinish-mailbox@devon.gov.uk.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Guide to co-production in Adult Social Care reminder
Our Co-production Task and Finish Group, along with commissioners and change managers have developed a new and simple guide called " A Co-production guide for Integrated Adult Social Care in Devon".
The guide outlines what the Co-production is and what it isn't, benefits and principals and the 6 steps to Co-productive working.
You can find it here- Co-production guide
Help us improve our courses
If you have had attended one of our co-production awareness sessions, we would appreciate any feedback that you can give us. If you click on the link below it will take you to our feedback form.
It will only take a few minutes and your feedback would be very valuable for our team.
Co-production feedback form.