Upcoming change in SEND Leadership at Devon County Council
Jackie Ross, Interim SEND Strategic Director, has decided to move on from Devon County Council and Kellie Knott will be joining us to lead the SEND service at the end of July 2023.
Julian Wooster, Interim Director of Children and Young People’s Futures, said:
“I’d like to thank Jackie for her tireless work over the last year and more on stabilising the SEND service and, most importantly, our relationships with families. I know she has worked hard to support everyone working in the SEND arena, especially the 0-25 team, and stayed with us for a year longer than she originally planned.
“Kellie is already aware of our SEND improvement work and is working with Jackie over the next few weeks ahead of taking up post. I’m confident this arrangement will ensure a smooth handover and provide consistent leadership.”
The June SEND Improvement Partnership Board met on Wednesday 21 June. You can read the minutes here.
0-25 team: recruitment and training
The Board received an update on recruitment and staffing levels in Devon County Council’s 0-25 team. Since 1 April 2023:
- Nine new caseworkers have started with the team, with a further seven caseworkers due to start by September 2023.
- There are currently four vacancies that are being advertised.
- The number of interims is reducing as more staff are being appointed permanently.
The workforce plan also includes a programme of training and support to improve both wellbeing and technical skills and knowledge across the team. This will include IPSEA technical training.
Enhancing the inclusive capacity of mainstream schools
The team working to improve the inclusive capacity of mainstream schools by setting clear expectations of the Ordinarily Available Provision shared a progress report.
Ordinarily Available Provision is the resources and support expected to be available for all children with SEND in mainstream schools. It is about ensuring that all pupils on SEND support receive the same support irrespective of which school they attend.
The team has looked at good practice examples and pinpointed the key features of effective guidance in setting expectations. Guidance should:
- Use language that is needs/barriers led rather than focusing on diagnoses
- Link needs to provision
- Be a single, concise, interactive, visual, and accessible guide for all partners including parents
- Have a focus on transition points for children and young people.
The team is now working to identify key partners – including schools and settings, parents and carers, learners, and specialists - to co-produce effective guidance. This is due to be delivered by December 2023, in line with the SEND Improvement Plan.
Get involved
Seldom Heard project
We are looking to create youth voice opportunities for children and young people with SEND who are not represented in our current groups. This includes (but is not limited to) young people whose communication needs require a wider range of approaches.
If this applies to you, we want to ensure that you also have the opportunity to share your views on any topics or issues that are important to you. We want your views to be taken seriously and, whenever possible, for decision makers to take action.
If you or anyone know are interested in finding out more about youth voice but are unable to access our current groups, please contact Shirin or Amy:
🙋 Shirin – shirin.khastar@devon.gov.uk
🙋 Amy – amy.bickford@devon.gov.uk
National Autistic Society: Exeter and District branch
Did you know there is an Exeter and District branch of the National Autistic Society? They provide support groups, advice and information to autistic adults and families living and working in Exeter and the surrounding area. Learn more about the group at autism.org.uk.
Autism and Us parent carer programme autumn dates
The Autism and Us programme offers support for families of children and young people who have an autism diagnosis, are waiting for one, and those not seeking a diagnosis but would welcome support. It is designed for parent/carers of primary and secondary school children in Devon. It gives families an opportunity to develop their understanding of autism and looks at practical solutions to managing and supporting children and young people’s needs. It also offers the opportunities for parents and carers to connect with other families.
Learn more, including how to book, on the Devon SEND Local Offer.
New videos from the Deaf and Hearing Impairment team
Our Deaf and Hearing Impairment Team have made a series of videos on using devices. The videos show cover a range of topics from how to do a daily check to how to retube a hearing mould. Find links to the videos on the SEND Local Offer website.
Apply for NASENCO training in the southwest
The National Award for SEN Coordination is a postgraduate qualification which is mandatory for teachers new to the role of SENCO and would be beneficial for experienced SENCOs. Other teachers in schools or Further Education settings may also be eligible to gain the qualification.
The University of Plymouth are currently open for applications for their 2023-24 PgCert NASENCO training programme.
If you are a SENCO in Devon you can learn more on the University of Plymouth website. The deadline for applications is 8 September 2023.
SEND networking dates for schools released
These provide a regular opportunity for SENDCos to meet with fellow SEND colleagues to share ideas, discuss challenges and hear updates from relevant services collaborating with schools to support pupils with SEND. Learn more at SEND network meetings.
Education professionals invited to 2024 SEND Conference
Bookings are now open for the 2024 SEND Conference for education professionals. The 2023 Conference was held in June, with over 200 people attending. Read the 2023 Conference report on the Devon Education Services website.
One attendee said:
“Such a great day at Devon’s SEND Conference with inspirational presentations from Gary Aubin and Chris Bonnello, along with useful workshops on the importance of oracy and relational practice.”
Book your 2024 place now.
Glendinning Academy School consultation open until 18 July
Wave Academy Trust is currently consulting on a proposal to change the age range at Glendinning Academy School in Newton Abbot. The school opened in September 2020 and offers 120 places for pupils from ages 7 to 16 (school years 3 to 11). It does not currently have any pupils in post-16 education, and the proposal is that there will be no year 12 (post-16) places available in September 2024 onwards. Glendinning Academy will become a school for pupils aged from 7 to 16 years.
More details of the consultation are available on the Have Your Say website, and the consultation closes at 2pm on 18 July 2023.