National co-production Week is back for an eighth year, from 03 July 2023. It celebrates the benefits of co-production, share good practice and promotes the contribution of people who use services and carers in developing better public services.
The theme this year is Co-production in the real world.
If you would like to know more about co-production week - please click here
House of Lords Report - A “gloriously ordinary life’
The Involvement and Equalities Team were highlighted for best practice in co-production in House of Lords Report - A “gloriously ordinary life’’: spotlight on adult social care published last December.
If you would like to read more about the mention of our co-production work, please click on the link below and look at chapter 5, line 280.
House of Lords - "A gloriously ordinary life" report
Co-production workshop at SW AHP Massive event at Sandy Park
The co-production working group attended the event to deliver an "Introduction to co-production workshop" at the South West, Allied Health Professions (SW AHP) Massive conference for additional health practitioners. The event attracted over 150+ attendees from across the South West. The Co-production workshop was well attended with over 40 delegates at each session.
Our workshop at South West Massive confrence
Spreading the word of co-production
Our co-production working group is giving advice and guidance to other councils across the country, in how they can involve co-production in their working practice. It's great that everyone is working together and able to spread the word in other areas such as Hampshire, Wandsworth, North Somerset and Liverpool.
Filling the gaps - developing new courses
The Co-production Working Group are currently working with people with learning disabilities developing awareness sessions. Co-production stage 2 sessions will soon be available which will include a tool kit to give people practical ways of including Co-production in their work.