DSLS aHead Newsletter: Summer Term |14 June 2023

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Summer Term | 14 June 2023

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Head Teacher Appraisal – a fresh approach

The Governing and Trustee Boards of all schools will be in the process of identifying the most appropriate person to support them with the appraisal process for their Headteacher.

As a development of our work supporting school leaders across the county, Devon Schools Leadership Services have been piloting a fresh approach to the appraisal process with a number of schools. Our highly skilled and experienced aHead Professional Partners are able to provide totally independent, advice, support and guidance and the initial pilot has been very successful.

“I have found the appraisal process both thorough and realistic, focusing on my personal development along with linking well to the context of my role. Having an interim meeting with a cycle that is tailored to fit the working year is really helpful and the documentation keeps me on track without being too onerous! The expertise and experience of the appraiser is invaluable as I am developing new aspects to my leadership role. The governors are involved and able to support and question as part of the process, we are very much working alongside in this process.” Executive Headteacher involved in the pilot.

Our approach to the appraisal process has been created by school leaders for school leaders and is designed to be worked through in true partnership with all involved.  

We are delighted that we are now able to offer this service to other schools. For more information about the process and costs click here.

If you have any questions please contact office@devonsls.co.uk

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E office@devonsls.co.uk     T  01392 325890     W devonsls.co.uk    

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c/o Monkerton Community Primary School, Sestertius Road, Monkerton, Exeter, EX1 3WS - Registered Charity Number 1186756

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