Data and Assessment Update: Data Collection 2023
Please submit your data as soon as possible; we strongly recommend submitting prior to the final deadline.
Summary of Submission Deadlines:
EYFSP – 30 June 2023 (via Anycomms)
Phonics screening checks and phonics screening rechecks (in 1 file) – 27 June 2023 (via Anycomms) please do not wait until the threshold score is released to submit your data.
KS1 Teacher Assessments 27 June 2023 (via Anycomms)
KS2 Teacher Assessments 30 June 2023 (direct to the DfE via Primary Assessment Gateway)
Please click here to access our Guidance.
Changes to be aware of this academic year:
For the Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles there is a change around the use of the ‘A’ code.
The DfE has taken the decision that the EYFS profile must be completed in all instances unless:
- an exemption has been granted by the secretary of state for the setting or an individual child. In these cases only, an ‘A’ should be recorded for every ELG within the profile.
- the child is continuing in EYFS provision beyond the year in which they turn 5. In these exceptional cases, the EYFS profile should be completed once only, at the end of the year before the child moves into year 1.
The ‘A’ code can no longer be used for absence for EYFSP. The ‘A’ code can now only be used when an exemption has been granted.
The DfE have said that they recognise that in some cases practitioners may have a more limited knowledge and understanding of what a child knows, understands, and can do and it may be more difficult for an accurate EYFSP assessment to be made. If practitioners have seen no evidence that a child has met an early learning goal, for whatever reason including absence, it is important that they report the child as emerging and then communicate to the year 1 teacher why the assessment has been made. This will ensure that all children are supported as much as possible in their transition to year 1. These decisions have been detailed on this website.
For Schools using Sims, Scomis have included an FAQ regarding this.
Our guidance is available on our website along with useful links.
Firstly, you will need to identify the pupils you will need to submit data for. Please find summarised below extracts from the DfE guidance for details about pupils who move schools.
EYFSP – EYFSP Handbook Section 4.3, page 13
If a reception child starts a new school or provider on the first day of the second half of the summer term (or any time after that), then the previous school should submit the data. If a child moves school or provider any time before the half term, then the new school should submit the data. Where half term dates differ between local authority areas, it is the school or provider where a child attends (or will attend) for the longest period of time that submits the data
Phonics – KS1 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA) Section 8.7 page 31
If a pupil changes school:
- before the check period – the receiving school should assess the pupil and submit data for them
- during the check period – the receiving school should find out whether the pupil has already taken the check (if not, they should assess the pupil and submit data for them)
- after taking the check – their result should be submitted by the school where they took the check and provided to the new school in the CTF
If a pupil arrives from a non-participating school or were electively home educated (EHE), the receiving school should consider administering the check and must submit data for them. Pupils who arrive after the check administration period, and who did not take the check, do not need to be included in that year’s data submission.
Please remember the phonics screening check needs to be administered during the check window: 12 – 16 June 2023. Timetable variation week is the 19 - 23 June 2023 for any pupils who were absent during the test week.
Year 2 pupils who did not achieve the threshold in year 1 will need to be rechecked and submitted for. Please include both your year 1 check pupils and year 2 re-check pupils in your Phonics CTF.
KS1 – KS1 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA) Section 9.6 page 35
If a pupil changes school:
- before Tuesday 2 May – the receiving school must administer the KS1 tests to the pupil and submit TA data for them
- during the KS1 test period – the receiving school must find out which tests have already been administered to the pupil and administer any remaining tests (in this circumstance, the school where the pupil was registered for the greater number of school days in May should submit TA data for that pupil to the LA)
- after Tuesday 30 May – the school where the pupil was registered during the KS1 test period must submit TA data for them
If a pupil arrives from a non-participating school or having been EHE, the receiving school should assess the pupil and submit data for them. If the pupil arrives on, or after Thursday 1 June 2023 data is not required.
KS2 – KS2 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA) Section 8.6 page 36
If a pupil changes school:
- before test week – the receiving school must submit TA data for them
- during test week – the school where the pupil was registered at the beginning of test week must submit TA data for them
- after test week – the school where the pupil was registered during test week must submit TA data for them
If a pupil arrives during test week from a non-participating school or having been electively home educated (EHE), the receiving school must submit the TA data for them. If the pupil arrives after test week, they can no longer be registered for the tests, so data will not be expected.
Please use guidance from your MIS provider to both enter the data into your management information system and to generate/export your CTF to return your assessment data. You might have already been contacted with guidance and support details but here is a list you might find helpful.
Arbor website - / -Guidance website page.
BromCom website - 020 8290 7177
Cloudschool website
Scholar Pack website -
School Pod website
SIMs - Scoimis Website - 01392 385300 Scomis Portal
Lastly, your school will need to check that the data submitted is correct in Perspective Lite. All head teachers should be able to access to Perspective Lite. All you need to do is log in and click on LA Documents, select the year and select the Key Stage folder you wish to check. Once your data has been received and processed, we will make pupil list reports available in Perspective Lite for schools to check.
If you experience any difficulties logging in please get in touch so we can set you up:
Phone number 01392 287317
If you notice any errors you will need to resubmit a CTF with all the pupils included – please do not just send the amendment. Unfortunately, a new file overwrites the old file. Please let us know if you will be resubmitting and the name of the file we need to use for your school.
- Our phones are always busy during data collection so please feel free to email our team box quoting your DfE number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Please remember any emails identifying pupil information need to be egressed.
- Our website has all the guidance and links.
For assistance, please contact us by email:
or phone: 01392 287317
For technical support please contact: 01392 385300 Scomis Portal