It was lovely to meet so many of you at our recent SEND Networks. They really are a great opportunity to share good practice and understanding of a range of special educational needs and issues with likeminded colleagues.
As always, please do get in contact with me if you need any support around SEND in your setting and don't forget that the SEND Helpline is available every Tuesday from 1-4pm (01392 287248) or email sencohelpline@devon.gov.uk
Best wishes Hannah Chamings, SEND Adviser
SENDCo planning ideas for Summer Term: Transition
- Identify transition needs and begin to plan what will need to happen in the summer term
- Ask colleagues and other professionals to assess the impact of the provision they deliver - what is working well?, what isn't?, what could help?
Resources that could help:
Transition guidance written by Education Psychology team and SEND teams
Young Minds: Supporting School Transitions
DIAS: Going to a new school
Survey for Parents
Parent carer mental health is often overlooked. The SPaCE Project aims to learn more about how parent carers look for and get access to support for their mental health.
Please share the following link with your parents and carers
Survey link: https://bit.ly/spaceparentcarer
Further details can be found on our website (https://sites.exeter.ac.uk/space/) or please email us (space@exeter.ac.uk) for more information.
Join us for our annual SEND conference at Sandy Park, Exeter, where we will be exploring Devon’s new education strategy and what this means for our learners and families with SEND.
This conference is for all school leaders, including SENCos, working across all settings who wish to be inspired and energised to continue striving to improve and better the lived experiences and outcomes for our CYP with SEND and their families.
Access to SEND Support form - minor change
Just to make you aware that we have recently updated the parent/carer consent form that is part of the Access to SEND Support form. It now includes the option for parents and carers to give permission for advisory teams to take photos during their visits and use these images within reports or for promotional purposes. You can see the changes by clicking below.
Update from Sensory and Physical Team
Top tip for Monday: Developing Touch Typing
Touch typing is a fantastic skill for all of us to master.
After familiarising children and young people with the layout of a keyboard, Doorway Online offers an excellent programme to introduce for daily practise.
Autism Acceptance Week: 27th March - 2nd April
Join the campaign to raise peer awareness in your education setting and download your FREE education packs
The Autism Young Experts YouTube Channel: Launching 27th March
Learn from the experts - real life experiences and much more
The aim of the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme is to support children to eat more healthily and be more active over the school holidays.
Click below to see the programme planned for Easter
Our recommendation:
Colourful Semantics Workshop - 22.3.2023 - 13.00-15.00 -In person – Exeter venue
An opportunity to explore how colourful semantics can be used to develop sentence level skills within both universal and targeted provision. Join us for this hands on session where we discover the multiple uses of this approach to develop both spoken and written language skills.
Want to share your top tips, what works for your setting, good news stories?
Email Hannah using the details above