Thursday 10 March 2022
Food waste feeds climate change: can you reduce your carbon footprint?
You may be surprised to learn that we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint by reducing food waste at home.
Studies show that 30 per cent of man-made carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) greenhouse gases are created from the production and consumption of food. It’s a significant amount, but only 32 per cent of us see a clear link between climate change and food waste.
Each year, UK householders throw away a staggering 4.5 million tonnes of edible food, the equivalent of 8 meals per week. Items such as potatoes, bread, milk, meat and fruit juices are top of the list when it comes to food waste.
Food Waste Action Week, which is this week, highlights the need to start linking food waste with climate change and taking action to reduce avoidable wastage, and value our food.
For more information and top tips on reducing food waste at home, visit the Recycle Devon website.
Go green for less this Spring with reduced price compost bins
If you’re a keen gardener and want to improve the health of your garden, or want to reduce the amount of waste you put out for collection each week why not take advantage of this offer for a high-quality compost bin and turn your waste into a valuable resource for your garden!
Recycle Devon has partnered with to offer home compost bins at special prices for Devon residents, including an additional Buy One Get One Half Price offer on all Blackwall Compost bins. A great opportunity to team up with a friend or neighbour to save some money!
Composting is a natural, low-cost way to help feed the soil and nourish the garden, and it also helps keep waste out of the bin. And now is the perfect time of year to start preparing the garden for a healthy year ahead.
Home compost bins, together with a range of water butts and additional accessories can be ordered via the Get Composting website or by calling 0844 571 4444. For a step-by-step guide on how to compost and other useful tips for the garden, visit the Recycle Devon website.
Household van users can apply for free permit to use Exeter’s recycling centres
From Monday 4 April, if you own a van for private use and want to visit the Exton Road or Pinbrook Road Recycling Centres in Exeter you will need a permit, which you can apply for online, for free.
The new permit replaces the van booking system, and is being introduced to help reduce commercial waste from being deposited at the sites at public expense. It will also help make it easier for residents to use the sites by reducing queues and congestion.
Once the permit has been received, the holder will be entitled to a total of 12 visits over the next 12 months over both sites. The permits will only be issued to vans registered to individual residents and not to vehicles registered to businesses.
Cars, pick-ups, bicycles, motorcycles, fully-fitted campervans and minibuses, vans modified for wheelchairs and van-based people carriers won’t need a permit.