Friday 3 December 2021
 COVID-19 rates across Devon remain above the national average, with the highest levels in Torridge and North Devon.
Most cases continue to be in the primary and secondary school age population.
Thankfully we’re not seeing the high case rates reflected in hospitalisations, and where people are admitted to hospital with coronavirus, most are getting better quickly. This could be because they are likely to be younger and vaccinated
In this update:
New rules in response to Omicron COVID-19 variant
All adults to be offered COVID-19 boosters by end of January 2022
Support available if you're struggling this winter
Get vaccinated, get boosted, get protected
Plea for patience as rising levels of abuse from patients leave dedicated NHS staff distressed and in tears
 New rules in response to Omicron COVID-19 variant
Earlier this week the Prime Minister announced temporary restrictions in response to concerns over the new Omicron COVID-19 variant being identified in the UK, because there are fears that it could be more infectious and less responsive to vaccines.
We sent you a special edition of this newsletter to help explain what the Omicron variant is, what the new restrictions are and how they will help to slow the spread of COVID-19. If you missed it, you can catch up via this link.
The new rules in response to the COVID-19 Omicron variant include:
face coverings - you must wear a face covering in shops and on public transport. Face coverings should be worn in communal areas of universities, colleges and schools by staff, visitors and students in year seven and above
international arrivals - if you’re travelling to England from abroad you must take a PCR test before the end of day two, following your arrival and self-isolate until you get a negative test result, even if you’re fully vaccinated
self-isolation - if you’re a contact of someone who may have been infected with the Omicron variant, you must self-isolate for 10 days, regardless of your age or vaccination status
 COVID-19 booster programme expands in Devon, but please wait your turn
All eligible adults in England aged 18 years old and over will be offered a COVID-19 booster vaccine by the end of January.
But the NHS don't want you all to rush in and roll up your sleeve. Younger people are being urged to wait until they are called forward – with the more vulnerable continuing to be prioritised for their booster.
Following advice from the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), everyone who is currently eligible – including those aged 40 years old and over, health and social care workers and those at increased risk from the virus due to health conditions – will be able to book their COVID-19 booster vaccine from three months after their second dose. Younger age groups will be invited by the NHS in due course, in age order and grouped into five-year age bands.
Darryn Allcorn Chief nurse for NHS Devon said:
"The NHS is Devon is working hard to significantly increase capacity, to help fight a variant that most of us hadn’t heard of a week ago. We will be vaccinating the most vulnerable people first, starting with those who were already eligible for a vaccine. The NHS will contact people when it’s their turn, please don’t try to book or come to a walk-in clinic until then. Our vaccine clinics are already very busy and we thank people for their patience."
To see if you're currently eligible to receive the COVID-19 booster, visit the NHS website.
 Support available if you're struggling this winter
We know that sudden unexpected living costs can create real challenges for people who are experiencing financial hardship.
The government's Household Support Fund is available to provide rapid short-term support to help those who are struggling to afford food, energy and water bills, and other related essentials this winter.
The scheme, which runs until Thursday 31 March 2022, can also be used for things like emergency boiler and heating repairs, travel costs, warm clothing, cleaning products and laundry costs, phone bills and the repairing or replacing of essential white goods in the home.
To access support, you must be a Devon resident, over the age of 16 years old and be without sufficient resources to meet your immediate short-term needs.
Applications are made through Devon’s district and unitary councils, so if you’re struggling with the cost of household essentials this winter, please contact them for details about what support is available in your area and how to apply.
We have also partnered with Citizens Advice Devon to help eligible households using pre-paid meters, who are struggling to meet their fuel bills. For more information please visit the Citizens Advice Devon website.
 “Open Up To Skills” initiative launched
The catering, hospitality, leisure, retail and tourism sectors have been some of the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic.
From March 2020 to March 2021, output in Devon’s hospitality sector dropped by around 60 per cent, leisure and arts fell by around 35 per cent, and non-food retail experienced a reduction of 25 per cent. These sectors also suffered the most job reductions, with around 8,000 jobs being lost during this time.
Now a new 'Open Up To Skills' initiative is being launched as part of our economic recovery response to the coronavirus pandemic.
It will provide training opportunities for people working in Devon’s catering, hospitality, leisure, retail and tourism sectors to help businesses and the community overcome the devastating impact of the pandemic.
A wide range of skills support will be on offer, covering everything from digital, financial and operational management skills to diversification into areas such as food hygiene, and other practical skills including customer service.
The support will either upskill employees within their existing workplace or deliver new skills to improve the opportunities available to those seeking alternative employment within other sectors.
 Get vaccinated, get boosted, get protected
Vaccines remain our best way to get the protection we need against COVID-19. Yesterday marked one year since the UK became the first country in the world to approve Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine and begin its life-saving vaccination programme, the largest in British history.
Around 50,000 people are already being vaccinated against COVID-19 each week in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay, and the NHS is working to increase this capacity following the announcement that the booster programme is being expanded.
With cases of the new Omicron variant identified in England, and Christmas just around the corner, people are being urged to get their vaccinations as soon as they are eligible. Whether it is for your first or second dose or booster vaccination, please have it and give yourself and loved ones vital protection and peace of mind in the run up to the festive period. It is never too late to get your vaccine.
Darryn Allcorn Chief nurse for NHS Devon said:
"We know that our best chance of a Christmas with loved ones is for people to step up and get vaccinated. If you haven’t yet had your first or second dose you are still welcome at our vaccination centres."
Vaccines give high levels of protection but immunity reduces over time, particularly for older adults and those at risk of severe illness, so it is vital that people in these eligibility groups come forward as soon as possible to get their COVID-19 booster vaccine to top-up their defences and protect themselves this winter. People who have had their booster vaccine by Saturday 11 December will likely have very high protection against COVID-19 by Christmas Day.
You an book online through the National Booking Service or by calling 119, and GP practices are also inviting those who are eligible.
 New role for former Nightingale Hospital Exeter
The former NHS Nightingale Hospital in Exeter is to be re-purposed to help reduce waiting lists for medical appointments and treatments that have built up due to the pandemic.
From this month, the facility will provide a range of services to non-COVID-19 patients living across Devon, including:
Centre of Excellence of Eyes - a high volume cataract and diagnostic hub for ophthalmology
- Southwest Ambulatory Orthopaedic Centre - two operating theatres for day case and short stay elective orthopaedic procedures
- Devon Diagnostic Centre - a community diagnostic hub
- Rheumatology - the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust's rheumatology service
A spokesperson for NHS Devon said:
"We know that waiting lists continue to grow, particularly for our orthopaedic and ophthalmology services, and as an off-site elective facility for non-COVID-19 patients, the Nightingale will allow us to care for an increased number of patients and pilot the separation of elective services from our hospital sites to better protect elective care across Devon."
 Plea for patience as rising levels of abuse from patients leave dedicated NHS staff distressed and in tears
The healthcare workers who we clapped for on our doorsteps last year say they are increasingly being abused by the people they work so hard to care for.
Most patients continue to be polite towards staff. However, doctors, nurses, other health professionals and support teams have reported rising levels of swearing and abusive language; threatening and aggressive behaviour; and damage to property by patients and their family members.
This includes anger over changes to visiting restrictions, the requirement to wear a face covering unless they are medically exempt, having to wait for treatment and being asked to attend Emergency Departments alone to allow social distancing.
The NHS does not tolerate intentionally abusive behaviour, to protect the wellbeing of staff. Too often, staff across the service are being left in tears and deeply traumatised as they seek to do their job, while patients are left shocked and distressed at witnessing incidents.
Be patient and kind, please.

Over 50s urged to have free flu vaccine
The UK Health Security Agency has warned that there could be a significant flu surge this winter, coinciding with continuing or rising COVID-19 cases.
This is caused by colder weather, increased social contact indoors and expected lower natural immunity to flu because of lower levels in circulation last winter.
Modelling by the Academy of Medical Sciences suggests that hospital admissions and deaths from flu this winter could be double that of a 'normal' year.
People over 50 in Devon are being urged to take up their free NHS flu vaccine as soon as they're invited to do so.
The COVID-19 vaccine does not protect against flu, so it's vital to have both the flu and COVID-19 vaccinations to reduce your chances of becoming unwell and needing hospital treatment.
NHS Devon's Primary Care Medical Director, Dr Alex Degan, says:
"Many of the measures we take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 also help to prevent people catching flu, including staying at home if you feel unwell, washing your hands regularly and covering your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze.
“The best way to avoid catching and spreading flu is by having the vaccination before the flu season starts."