Welcome to the October edition of the SEND newsletter. Parent Carer Forum Devon have launched their annual family survey, for every survey complete each family will be sent a wellbeing box. Devon is seeking feedback on the SEND Local offer and there is a range of resources from Children & Family Health Devon Autism Assessment Team.
Devon's SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Local Offer
We launched our brand new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities website, and we'd love to know what you think! You can view the site here.
Did you find what you were looking for? Let us know by using the feedback button on site.
Things have been tough for everyone, and we want to understand the challenges of families of children with SEND in Devon. So we’ve launched our first survey. We plan to repeat the survey every year to help us track how things change over time.
Click here to complete the survey.
We have 1000 free wellbeing boxes to send to families who complete our survey.
If your child has any kind of additional needs, we care about how things are. We want to hear from lots of people, whether you have a diagnosis or not. We are interested in your experiences if your child might be dyslexic, has difficulty concentrating or has a bit of extra support in school.
We also want to hear from families whose children are in mainstream schools or settings, are home schooled or are in special schools, or even if they're not able to attend school at the moment. We want to understand what it's like right across Devon whether you're in Tavistock or Tiverton, Barnstaple or Kingsbridge.
We share the lived experience of SEND families with strategic decision-makers & service providers in Devon. Our aim is to make sure that services provided by education, health and care meet the needs of children with SEND and their families. If you want to find out more about Parent Carer Forum Devon and what we do, find us on Facebook or check out our website: www.parentcarerforumdevon.org
Complete our survey and it won't be long before one of our wellbeing boxes lands on your doorstep!
October is International AAC month and services across Devon, Torbay and Plymouth are proud to be supporting this campaign.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication is a set of tools and strategies that an individual uses to aid communication. AAC can take many forms such as speech, a shared glance, text, gesture, facial expression, touch, sign language, symbols, pictures and speech generating devices. Everyone uses AAC to help them get their message across but for children, young people and adults with complex communication needs AAC provides a means to ensure they have a voice.
A group of professionals from across the whole of Devon have been working with parents and carers to create an introduction to AAC training programme. This FREE online training is suitable for parents/carers and professionals and can be accessed from:
Course: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) – An introduction (babcockldp.co.uk)
The Autism Assessment Team have a range of resources on their webpage, including; ‘Bitesize Videos’
'One Minute Guides':
Click the links to watch the videos or read the guides. Find these and other useful resources on the Autism Assessment Team page. |