Further to last month’s edition, in addition to the tick boxes within the Hours at Date of Leaving and the Actual Pensionable Pay (CARE) Sections, we have included a further tick box for you to confirm if the Final Salary Pensionable Pay is required. You will need to check the Membership Details record for that member to see what is recorded:
- If the member doesn’t have membership prior to 1st April 2014, you do not need to provide the last 365 days final salary pensionable pay for that member, just tick the box.
There may be some cases that an amalgamation of records is done at a later date and we will need to contact you for the final pay figures to process any subsequent benefit calculations so you need to keep this information on your records or have access to historical data.
- If it shows membership before 1st April 2014, you will need to provide the last 365 days final salary pensionable pay
We ask that you check the members record, complete all sections, tick boxes and questions asked on the form for all leavers. If any information is missing or the tick boxes have not been completed, the leaver form will be rejected and a work activity will be created for you to action - the only exception is if the member opted out within 3 months and contributions have been refunded through payroll.
Please see our website for help with completion of the form and what you need to check on the members record.
In some cases, we are still receiving older versions of the leaver form to our secure mailbox. Employer Self Service (ESS) must be used for all leavers as the latest version of the form will be available - any old versions of the leaver form will be returned to you with a request to use ESS. Submission via ESS enables our team to identify every leaver uploaded to the portal and follows a process so that leaver forms are not missed and dealt with accordingly.
Please can we remind you that leaver forms should be submitted in a timely manner and more details on the expected timescales for submission of the leavers form, can be found within the Pension Administration Strategy pages on our website: Devon Pension Fund Administration Strategy and Somerset Pension Fund Administration Strategy
On the 2nd July a consultation on MHCLG’s draft statutory guidance on Special Severance Payments began.
MHCLG welcomes responses from all interested parties by 13th August 2021. They are particularly keen to receive responses from the bodies listed in the Annex to the covering letter of the consultation. This list includes public sector scheme employers.
The consultation document, covering letter and LGA’s initial comments are all available to view on the scheme consultations page of www.lgpsregs.org
When you make a payment to the Devon Pension fund could you please ensure the entity has the correct bank account details (20-30-54 60079626), if you need an entity set up form completed for your system with these bank details then please submit the form to michelle.jackson@devon.gov.uk for completion.
Following the item in January’s edition, unfortunately there are still a few of you who are not completing the work activities after a leaver form has been rejected. Please make sure that you complete the work activity once you have uploaded a revised leaver form to the members record. Go back into the relevant work activity, select New Entry, confirm a new form has been uploaded and press Save – this will update the work activity to ‘In Progress’. Then re-select the work activity and press ‘Save’ again to complete it. Please see the guidance on our website for help with the process.
The LGA have recently published 2021 versions of the HR and Payroll guides (version 4.2). You can find the guides on the Administrator guides and documents and Employer guides and documents pages of www.lgpsregs.org. They have published Word versions of the guides that include tracked changes so that you can see the minor amendments that we have made.
A reminder that you should review your pensions discretions policy at least annually to make sure it still meets the LGPS regulations and of course, fits in with your own policies and budget. Please review your current discretions policy against the current guidance on our website and send a copy of your current or updated discretion policies to the Employer & Communications team.