In the April 2021 edition we informed you that we would require completion of the 2020/21 Annual Allowance spreadsheet completed and return to by 5th July 2021.
This will ensure we can complete the relevant calculations and inform affected members by the statutory deadline.
Please note we also need those employers who have no affected members to confirm this too by completing the front sheet of the spreadsheet.
If a member suffers a reduction in their rate of pay in the final 10 years before they leave or retire, they can elect to look at the best 3 consecutive years in the last 13. For simplicity, these 13 years all end on 31 March rather than anniversaries of the date of leaving.
It would be good practice to remind your members of this protection and that it is their responsibility to request this in writing at any time, up to one month before they leave to initiate the above protection.
We would ask you to please refer any affected employees to the Pensionable Pay page which helps to explain the protection and process involved.
We have made some more amendments to the leaver form:
- As forms are coming through a secure system, we have removed the need for the employers authorisation box.
- There is no longer a need to attach a copy of the optout form you just need to complete the details requested. You must however keep the original or a copy of the form on your records in line with The Pensions Regulators guidance
- We ask that you complete all sections and questions asked on the form, including both final pensionable pay and actual pay figures, for all leavers - the only exception is if the member opted out within 3 months and contributions have been refunded through payroll. We believe that if all the information is provided at date of leaving, it makes it easier for all concerned.
In some cases, we are still receiving older versions of the form which do not include all the required information. Please do not stockpile leaver forms, always download the form from ESS as that will always be the latest version.
Please see our website for help with completion of the form.
HM Treasury has published consultations on the cost control mechanism and the discount rate methodology alongside a written ministerial statement.
Both consultations are available to view on the non-scheme consultations page of and
Due to an update some Devon employers are having technical issues with the EAS5 form. If you are receiving a ReCAPTCHA error message on submission then please clear your cookies by clicking CTRL+F5.