Devon SLS Updates Newsletter: Summer Term | 5 May 2021 | Issue 3

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Summer term  |  5 May 2021  |  Issue 3

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Primary & Secondary Leadership Hub Meetings - June 2021

(MS Teams)

Join colleagues at the next round of Leadership Hub meetings - a chance to catch up online, share your experiences and keep up to date with the latest information, both locally and nationally. Sessions are hosted by members of the Devon SLS Schools Executive Committee.

Hub meetings image

For Primary school leaders:

  • Monday 14 June 2021 (2.00pm - 3.00pm) BOOK HERE

(note that a delegate list will be available on the Devon SLS website shortly)

For Secondary school  leaders:

  • Thursday 17 June 2021 (2.00pm - 3.00pm)

Note that a calendar invite has been sent directly to secondary school leaders (no need to book).  Question? Contact us at

Devon SLS School Leadership Briefing

School Leadership Briefing on 8 July 2021

All-day event at Exeter Racecourse

The next Devon SLS School Leadership Briefing is on Thursday 8 July and we hope you will be able to join us. Subject to the relaxing of Covid-19 restrictions, we hope to hold this at Exeter Racecourse. This all-day event will have a curriculum focus - agenda to follow, in the meantime online booking is now available.

Please note that a delegate list will be available on the Devon SLS website shortly. The Briefing is open and fully subsidised to all members of Devon SLS i.e. school leaders within Devon primary and secondary schools – other staff are also welcome to attend (note charges apply). For full details please see the terms and conditions on the booking form.

Devon SLS What's new banner

Support for Year 6 Transition

A Student Transition Information Template has been developed by Devon SLS in partnership with schools to provide both phases with consistent and relevant information to support the successful transition of Y6 pupils in the absence of usual KS2 data and an exceptional year disrupted by Covid-19. View / download the template here.

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Funding Allocations for Covid-19 Mass Testing

Guidance updated 21/04/21 - see Coronavirus (COVID-19) mass testing funding for schools and colleges: exceptional costs guidance on GOV.UK in relation to:

  • Testing carried out from 4 January to 5 March 2021
  • Testing carried out after 5 March 2021

Access the Coronavirus (COVID-19) mass testing exceptional costs claim form to begin your claim (note deadline 12 May 2021)

Suppliers Relief – Catering

A reminder to schools to please notify DCC via email regarding any requests received from catering companies in relation to payments linked to furlough and guidance over UIFSM.

Reminder  |  Notification of confirmed positive Covid cases to the LA

A reminder that schools should to continue to notify the Local Authority of positive Covid cases in school (staff and pupils) via the online form.

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aHead Service

Headship can be isolating and overwhelming, particularly during these challenging times. We wanted to remind you that the team of aHead Professional Partners are here to provide confidential support and guidance to school leaders and can be contacted via email or phone:

E       T   01392 380518 / 07970 905511

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Pupil Premium conditions of grant for 2021 to 2022

Further to the update in February, the DfE have now published the pupil premium conditions of grant for the 2021 to 2022 financial year  |  READ MORE

Statutory guidance  |  School suspensions and expulsions

Guidance on the suspension and expulsion of pupils from local-authority-maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units  |  READ MORE

DfE Guidance  |  Teacher training: being safe

Practical training materials for primary and secondary schools to use to train staff to teach about being safe  |  READ MORE

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Full Ofsted inspections expected from September

On 29 March 2021 the Education Secretary confirmed his request that Ofsted step up its inspection programme over the summer term, with a view to returning to a full programme of inspections from September 2021. The majority of summer term activity will remain lighter-touch, monitoring inspections  |  READ MORE

Guidance  |  School inspection handbook

Read the Ofsted guidance on inspecting maintained schools and academies in England under the education inspection framework (last updated 19/04/21, see summary of changes).

Ofsted blog  |   “Our education inspection handbooks have changed. What’s new? What do you need to know?”

Sean Harford HMI, National Director for Education, explains the changes to Ofsted's school inspection handbooks. Read the blog post here.

Ofsted’s review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges

Ofsted has published plans for a review into safeguarding policies and practices relating to sexual abuse in state and independent schools and colleges  |  READ MORE

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Resource and Nurture Base provision across the County for learners with EHCPs

DCC is consulting, in collaboration with the Academies shown below, on increasing provision for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans across the County. For more information, visit this link to the Consultation website.

Note the closing date Friday 14 May 2021.

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The Big Ask Consultation for children and young people

The Big Ask consultation has been launched by The Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel De Souza and asks young people across England to set out their priorities for improving childhood post-COVID.

Additionally, there are lots of resources available to support teachers in implementing the survey with pupils.

Consultation closing date is 19 May 2021 - please share the survey link

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ESFA Update  |  Latest news for academies

Read the latest update on 5 May 2021

Keep up to date - the ESFA Update contains the latest information and actions from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for academies, colleges, local authorities and further education providers.  Register for web alerts here.

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Flagship summer schools programme to help students recover lost learning

Summer schools will be targeted at children who suffered the most disruption during the last year  |  READ MORE

Also see Guidance: Summer Schools Programme.

Education Finance Blog

Employment Status – IMPORTANT! The Employment Status for Tax rules are changing again!

From 6th April 2021 Employment Status checks MUST be completed, and the contractor advised of their tax status, BEFORE the work begins  |  READ MORE

Posted on 31 March 2021 by 

Families in Grief

Families in Grief  |  support for families in North Devon

Families in Grief supports children, young people and their families in North Devon who have experienced the death of someone close to them. There is also a practical guide for teaching staff which offers guidance on what to do when there’s been a bereavement in the school community.

Visit the website for more information -

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Working Group updates - Spring 2021

Here's a round up of this term's key messages and updates from the various working groups and statutory boards. These meetings are attended by members of the Devon SLS Schools Executive Committee and other school reps from both the primary and secondary phases.

Details of Devon SLS Working Group representatives are on the Devon SLS website.

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Devon Education Forum (DEF) met on 17 March 2021- read the minutes on the DCC website. The next DEF meeting date is 16 June 2021.

Schools Finance Group

Schools Finance Group met on 3 March 2021 - read the minutes on the DCC website. The next SFG meeting date is 26 May 2021.

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Schools Organisation, Captial and Admissions (SOCA) met on 2 March 2021 - read the minutes on the DCC website. The next SOCA meeting date is 25 May 2021.

Here's a summary of feedback from Devon SLS school representatives that attended:

  • updated Flexi-Schooling Policy (to follow)
  • the determination of admission arrangements being the final step in reviewing arrangements, and should not be further amended following determination.
  • a reminder of the importance of statutory compliance/servicing and where possible that schools should facilitate contractor access.
  • to reiterate the need for Voluntary Controlled and Community schools to follow agreed nursery admissions arrangements.
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SEND Improvement Board April Newsletter

Read the latest news and updates from the SEND team including the 0-5 years 'Let's Get Chatting' campaign and the Ambassador Volunteer Project |  READ MORE

SEND vision and strategy 2021/24

Devon’s SEND vision and strategy 2021/24 has been produced in collaboration with families and set out how we will help improve outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.

View / download the strategy on the DCC website.

SEND 100 Project Steering Group

The purpose of the Steering Group is to manage and coordinate a programme of work that improves the confidence of mainstream schools and parents in the provision of support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families. It is the intention that greater confidence in the school to meet the identified SEN needs of the child will improve support in mainstream and result in fewer requests for statutory assessment, fewer escalations to specialist provision, and a reduction in placement costs to the high needs block.

Meetings have been held during February and March 2021 and group members have looked at Terms of Reference, group purpose, role, responsibilities of members and governance, and also the job description for the Project Lead role to be appointed.

DIAS newsletter

DiAS Spring term newsletter 2021

Read the Devon Information, Advice and Support (DIAS) latest Spring term newsletter.  |  01392 383080  |

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Babcock LDP Safeguarding Newsletter  |  April 2021

Read the latest news from the Babcock LDP team including updates on:

  • Exploitation & Prevent
  • Challenging decisions
  • MASH update
  • Young Carers
  • Overseas recruitment
  • Happy Families Happy Futures
  • Accessing Barred List information
  • Volunteer DBS renewals
  • Babcock training and dates
  • Further resources
Babcock  LDP

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Early Help information for Professionals

Visit the DCFP website for Early Help information including:

  • Resources and downloads
  • One Minute Guide
  • Guide for the Right for Children system
  • MASH contact details

How to contact Early Help:

DCFP Education Advisory Group  |  Feedback from 01/03/21 meeting

S175 Safeguarding Audit

A big thank you from the Babcock Safeguarding team for completing the S175 safeguarding audit, and we're pleased to report that for the first time ever there has been a 100% completion rate and a full analysis being completed. Did the slightly extended deadline date make a difference? Let us know via email.

Other safeguarding news includes:

  • Social Worker in schools project is set to continue until the end of the academic year.
  • Next Safeguarding conference being planned to support in relevant areas with pragmatic actions and steps for schools.
  • Training materials for PREVENT and exploitation to made available for schools between now and September.

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N E W  iREPORTit App

On the 24 February 2021 a new mobile app was launched to support the anonymous reporting of Counter Terrorism online content of concern. Download on the Apple App Store.

The iREPORTit app has been introduced as a much simpler way to report sites of concern and an alternative route to going through the government website - visit this link to report online material promoting terrorism or extremism.

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Changes to the early years foundation stage (EYFS) framework

Prepare now for the Revised EYFS Framework statutory from September 2021

The aim of the 2021 EYFS reform is to strengthen early years  curriculum, assessment and practice to improve outcomes for all children and close the gap for disadvantaged children. The DfE Summary of Changes include:

  • Holistic curriculum
  • Streamlined assessment
  • Promotion of good oral health

The changes to the EYFS statutory framework are being made to:

  • Improve outcomes at age 5, particularly in early language and literacy
  • Reduce workload such as unnecessary paperwork, so you can spend more time with the children in your care

Pre-reception early years providers can get the facts about the changes and what they mean here  |  READ MORE

Early adopter schools: EYFS framework

The early years foundation stage (EYFS) framework sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to 5  |  READ MORE

Early adopter schools: EYFS profile handbook

The early years foundation stage (EYFS) profile handbook provides guidance to schools on how to administer the EYFS profile assessment at the end of the reception year  |  READ MORE

Do you receive the latest news and updates from the Early Years and Childcare Service

Keep up to date:

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Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)

Understanding Christianity: Offer to Community Schools

The latest SACRE meeting in February noted that a subsidy of £150 per school had been made available for the cost of the recent Understanding Christianity course (i.e. a teaching resource giving detailed support for the Christianity units in the Devon RE syllabus).

This subsidy was specifically for community schools and the course will be offered again in the Autumn 2021.

Contacts for RE support:

Ed Pawson:

Church schools: Tatiana Wilson at

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SWIFT Update newsletter

Read the latest news and updates in issue 6 dated 29 April 2021  |  READ MORE

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Visit the DAG website

Read the latest DAG newsletter Issue 218 (04/05/21) HERE 

Reminder  |  Book the next DAG Chairs Forum (Monday 10 May 2021 at 6pm)

This next interactive session will ask the question: ‘How can governors and governing boards best work together to benefit all Devon schools?’. Members are asked to register in advance via email -

Visit the DAG website to subscribe to newsletters and register for DAG membership.

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Devon SLS would like to welcome the following school leaders taking up new posts in Devon schools this term and we look forward to seeing you at one of our forthcoming events:

  • Hannah Down - Acting Headteacher, Whitchurch Community Primary School
  • Louise Moretta - Headteacher, Cranbrook Education Campus, Ted Wragg MAT

School Leadership changes and Headteacher email updates

We should be grateful if you would kindly bring to our attention any known forthcoming or impending changes to school leadership roles eg. Headteacher, Head of school etc. as it is not always possible to pick these up, particularly within MATs and Federations.

Please email

Additionally, to ensure that school leaders are well informed and kept up to date with important information from the Local Authority and the DfE, regular headteacher updates are being emailed directly to you via Dawn Stabb, Head of Education & Learning.

If you are not receiving these on a regular basis please let us know via email and we'll make sure you are added to the distribution list.

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E     T  01392 380518     W    

Registered office:
Venture House, One Capital Court, Bittern Road, Sowton, Exeter, Devon EX2 7FW

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