Friday 1 May 2020
There's been a lot to say again this week, as the news turns more to facilities for testing and keyworkers. In this Friday's edition of Connect Me however, we want to focus a little more on you, on your wellbeing, and on the things that you and your families can do from home to stay well, active, engaged and safe.
Of note today, our latest figures show a startling 10,000 more daily trips on our A-roads compared to just one week ago. With that, an appeal again to stay home, and a reminder that the reason why the south west has one of the lowest number of reported cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) is because we've heeded the government guidance to stay put unless our journey is essential and stay compliant with social distancing. Please, let's keep it up.
Wishing you all a healthy and safe weekend everyone. Look out for yourselves and those around you.
In this update:
- 100's of free online courses with Learn Devon
- Contact your local council if you need help
- We've announced more care sector investment
- Traffic on our roads is increasing
- Text support for young people via our school nurses
- Active Devon launch Active Agents!
- Life under lockdown - a poem
 More than 100 free Learn Devon online courses now available
Learn Devon, our Adult and Community Learning course provider, has pulled out all the stops to launch more than 100 free online courses today.
These new online learning courses cover three main subject areas – employability, wellbeing and digital skills - and they are part of our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They have been designed to support people who may have been made redundant or are currently seeking work, for vulnerable people currently self-isolating, volunteers supporting us during the pandemic, as well as local businesses.
We're working closely with Learn Devon to develop further online courses based on the current needs of local businesses and communities. You can browse the courses and enrol on the Learn Devon website or by calling 0345 155 1014.
 Do you need help?
If you need urgent help because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic but don’t have any family, friends or neighbours to ask and are not receiving support directly from government, local authority or community services, you can contact your local district council.
They each have individual helplines set up to make it easier for you to get help with things like deliveries of essential food, household supplies and medicine as well as extra care and social contact.
Depending on what you need, they will be able to help you organise support through either their local hub, the NHS volunteer responder scheme or a local community group.
 Further financial support to social care sector
Our additional funding now totals £8 million to support domiciliary care and residential care markets during the pandemic.
It comes on top of commitments given last month to cover care homes' additional costs of Personal Protective Equipment.
We're also looking at how we can support other sectors of social care, including supported living, Direct Payments and Personal Assistants. We will let you know more about this soon.
 Boots pharmacies offering safe spaces for victims of domestic abuse
Anyone needing help can ask staff at the counter to use the consultation room, where they will be able to contact local services for help and advice.
It's been launched by charity, Hestia, following an increase in calls to domestic violence helplines, since lockdown.
In an emergency always call 999.
 Key workers - you support us, we support you
We've written before about how important good mental health is, right now especially. We're all feeling it, but many more so than others, and it's good to be reminded to look out for ourselves from time to time.
Mental Health At Work has published information aimed at keyworkers. They talk about key workers putting themselves at physical risk, but also putting their mental health under pressure too.
Their service, ‘Our Frontline’, offers round-the-clock one-to-one support by phone or text to trained volunteers. There are also resources, tips and ideas to look after your mental health.
 Reminder to only make essential journeys
It's a statistic which is cause for concern, especially with another Bank Holiday weekend fast approaching. We know the lockdown restrictions are tough on all of us but please, everyone, think about whether you need to make your journey. Otherwise please stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.
 PPE goes VAT free
The government has said that from today, personal protective equipment (PPE) bought by care homes, businesses, charities and people to protect against coronavirus (COVID-19) will be free from VAT for a three-month period.
They say that it will save care homes and businesses more than £100 million as they deal with the coronavirus outbreak.
Ministers previously had removed import duties from PPE to ensure more essential equipment can get to the front line quicker.
 Text our school nurses for support
During these unsettling times, young people may have health and wellbeing concerns. Although schools are only open for a few pupils, our local school nurses are here to support everyone through this time and offer a free and confidential text service called Devon Public Health Nursing ChatHealth.
If you have a young person aged 11-19 years old in your household then please let them know they can talk to a Devon school nurse in confidence about relationships, how they are feeling, bullying, self-harm, smoking or any other concerns by texting 07520631722.
They are available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and can offer support on a wide range of concerns.
For more information visit the NHS ChatHealth website.
 Active Devon launch Active Agents live chat
Now more than ever, it is crucial that we all remain active to support our physical and mental wellbeing.
While staying at home, you may be wondering what to do and how to get started? And, when you do try something new it can be quite daunting. Or, you may have questions around how can you best support those around you to keep moving too.
Active Devon's Active Agents can help!
They've launched a new live chat function so you can talk to them from the comfort of your own home and they can support, encourage and inspire you to remain active whatever your situation.
 Researching Devon records remotely
The Devon Heritage Centre is often the first place people in the county look when pursuing any historical research into their family, house or the area they live. It's closed at the moment because of the lockdown, but they've got a huge archive still for researchers to access online.
 Enjoy libraries on lockdown
Their doors might be closed, but Devon's libraries are still very much open to support you while you're stuck at home during the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown.
Discover what libraries have to offer online, from e-books to audiobooks, online magazines to researching your family history, it's all available with your free library membership.
If that doesn't keep you busy enough, libraries are also busy creating fun online content and live streaming events. Check out individual library Facebook pages for more information.
You can join the library by visiting the Devon Libraries website.
 Life under lockdown - a poem
We've been sent a brilliant poem about life under lockdown by a mum to two young adopted children. We thought you might like it, especially if you are struggling to prioritise schooling at the moment under the lockdown during coronavirus (COVID-19). You can read it on the Adopt South West website.