Wednesday 22 April 2020
It’s not easy, we know, but let’s keep it up
Social distancing, staying at home – it’s all part of the collective response, and they’re the things that we can do ourselves. We’re pretty good at it too it seems. The South West still has the lowest number of reported cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), thanks largely to compliance. So when we hear analogies of marathons rather than sprints, let’s keep at it. Let’s keep it going.
We’re aware that there’s a lot of anxiety around. It’s natural that people are feeling worried, but it’s important that we recognise it and that we share our concerns with others where we can and that we take steps to look after our own wellbeing as well as those around us. There’s a lot of advice out there to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing, so please look after yourself.
We’re continuing to work with all of our partners to keep communities safe and well. It’s brilliant to hear of the excellent work being done locally by volunteers, and of communities coming together to look out for each other. We’ve now got 386 local support groups identified on our interactive map, offering local initiatives to support those in need.
We will carry on keeping you updated with the latest information and advice from our services, the NHS and government via our website and this update. Please forward this email to anyone you think would find it useful and encourage them to sign up.
In this update:
- Millie is Proud to Care
- Keeping children safe when they are online
- Drive through testing centre to open in Exeter
- £59k dontated to community projects
- Keeping the wheels of democracy turning
- Thank you from our waste teams
 Millie steps up to help and is Proud to Care
The response to the Proud to Care campaign for people to sign up as a Healthcare Assistants to help support the vulnerable has been astonishing – in just two weeks more than 1,300 people have stepped up and registered.
And one of those is 19-year old law undergraduate Millie Doodson. Last week she completed the first stage of her training, a three-day fast-track training course. This week she’s receiving training in the use of Personal Protective Equipment and will shortly start getting some front-line experience, shadowing one of our re-ablement teams helping those recovering from illness to regain their independence.
Find out more about her journey to becoming a Healthcare Assistant, and watch her video, on our website.
 Keeping children safe online during lockdown
The current lockdown means that children and young people are likely to be spending more time online than they would if they were at school. Online exploitation can affect anyone, boy or girl, from any community.
We are supporting Devon & Cornwall Police's new campaign which aims to raise awareness of online grooming and child exploitation. To help keep young people safe and protect them from offenders who might attempt to target them online, they've collected information to support parents,carers and young people to spot the signs of online exploitation. There is also advice on who to talk to and where you can get help. Please remember - it is never the child’s fault.
 Do you manage or own a residential or nursing home?
A new WhatsApp group for Devon residential and nursing home managers and owners has been created at the request of local providers in order to share relevant, timely information that is of significant benefit to the sector, especially at the moment.
Members of the closed group will be able to connect remotely to information and ideas quickly and easily as well as stay connected and support each other during this very challenging time.
We are encouraging care home managers and owners to sign up. If you would like to join the WhatsApp group, please complete the online form.
 Further urgent dental care centres open in Devon
Two new centres for urgent dental treatment have opened in Devon to improve coverage and reduce journey times for patients during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
They are in Exeter (operating five days a week) and Barnstaple (operating three days a week). They're in addition to the existing centres at Plymouth and Torbay, which started work earlier this month.
To get access, people should phone their own dentist to be assessed. All NHS dental surgeries should be contactable, even while their doors are closed.
Out of usual surgery hours, people should call NHS111. The initial phone assessment will help the dentist decide whether someone needs to be seen immediately or within 24 hours, or can be booked in later for an appointment.
Residents of Devon (including Plymouth and Torbay) without a dentist or who cannot get through to their usual surgery should call 03330 063300 or email
 Drive-through testing centre to open in Exeter
We have given our Honiton Road Park and Ride site in Exeter over to the government for use as a drive-through coronavirus (COVID-19) testing facility.
It will be one of a growing network of facilities to increase testing for thousands more NHS and other key workers.
The network will provide thousands more swab tests (which are used to identify if you currently have the virus) for critical key workers, starting with NHS front line staff. That means those who test negative for coronavirus (COVID-19) can return to work as soon as possible, and those who test positive are able to self-isolate.
 Over £59k donated to community projects so far
We've had over 345 applications to our COVID-19 Prompt Action Fund since we launched it just over four weeks ago, and have donated a total of £59,385 to community projects so far.
The money is being used to help local groups support the vulnerable residents in a variety of ways, from expanding food banks and delivering essential food and medicines, to buying cheap mobile phones to use as helplines.
For more information about the fund, including how to apply, please visit our website.
 Children at Willowbrook School thank key workers
Primary school children at Willowbrook in Exeter have been busy thinking of a way to give a big thank you to all key workers for keeping the country going during this difficult time.
Children currently at the school thought they’d sing about it. “We hope our version of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ will make you smile!”, says their post on social media.
 Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme now open
If you're a business owner, you can now claim for 80% of your employee’s wages plus any employer National Insurance and pension contributions, if you have put them on furlough because of coronavirus (COVID-19).
You can find out more about the scheme, including how to apply, on the government's website.
HMRC has advised that for employers to get their payments by 30 April they need to make a claim by midnight tonight (Wednesday 22 April) as it takes six working days to process claims.
 One to one local business support
Eligible businesses based in Devon, Torbay, Plymouth and Somerset can now access a fully funded one to one advice session with a business adviser through the Heart of the South West Growth Hub.
The Covid-19 Business Recovery Support service gives you an opportunity to discuss the impact of coronavirus on your business, explore various actions to support your business with adaption, resilience and recovery options.
Following the session you will be provided with a support plan detailing practical next steps and identifying further sources of support and guidance as appropriate.
Please visit the Growth Hub website for more information and to apply.
 Keeping the wheels of democracy turning
We've been making the most of technology to ensure our important democratic decision-making process can continue through these challenging times. Our first virtual Cabinet meeting took place earlier this month, and we are hoping to hold some of our other committee meetings in this way too.
 Thank you from our waste teams
A big thanks to all of you for your ongoing support and efforts to keep on top of waste and recycling during the coronavirus pandemic.
Collection crews across Devon say they have been delighted with the level of public support shown to them in recent weeks, including pictures and thank you notes left on bins and outbreaks of spontaneous doorstep applause from appreciative residents.
For our part, we’re looking to reopen our Household Waste Recycling Centres as soon as it is safe to do so and government guidance permits. Until then, please avoid having a spring declutter or undertaking home improvements that may create extra waste.