Special Edition | Spring term | 19 March 2020
Leadership is tolerating uncertainty.
The next couple of days will be difficult for school staff, students, parents and leaders. We all need to be calm and kind.
Lots of people will be scared and need our support and help.
If anyone has any questions or concerns or wants to share anything then please do so via the DASH/DAPH office via email daph@devon.gov.uk or telephone 01392 380518 during office hours.
Matthew Shanks can also be contacted by direct email matthew.shanks@educationsouthwest.org.uk and is also happy to share his mobile number if requested via email.
Alun Dobson can also be contacted by direct email adobson@marwood.devon.sch.uk.
Additionally, the School Leadership Support Service (SLSS) can also be contacted via email slss-mailbox@devon.gov.uk or mobile 07970 905511, noting that this is manned during office hours in term time.
Let’s stick together in these unprecedented times and work to support the communities we serve.
Best wishes,
Matthew Shanks | DASH Chair & Deputy CEO and Executive Principal, Education South West
Alun Dobson | DAPH Chair & Headteacher Marwood Primary School
Schools, colleges and early years settings to close
Schools will close from Monday, except for children of key workers and vulnerable children. After schools shut their gates on Friday afternoon, they will remain closed until further notice except for children of key workers and vulnerable children, as part of the country’s ongoing response to coronavirus.
Read more about this news story here.
NPS South West Group and Hamson Barron Smith
COVID-19: Message from Al Robinson, Director - NPS Group (South West) and Hamson Barron Smith Exeter
Dear Clients, Contractors and Stakeholders,
I am writing to provide you with an important update regarding NPS South West and Hamson Barron Smith Exeter.
As a result of the COVID-19 situation, and following advice from the Government, we are taking a number of measures to protect our staff, clients, supply chain and premises occupiers going forward. View / download the full message H E R E.
Devon Association of Primary Headteachers (DAPH) &
Devon Association of Secondary Headteachers (DASH)
Contact us: 01392 380518 | daph@devon.gov.uk | daph.org.uk
DAPH Office Venture House, One Capital Court Bittern Road, Sowton Industrial Estate Exeter EX2 7FW