Spring term | 16 March 2020 | Issue 6
 DAPH & DASH Summer Briefing
6 May 2020 at Exeter Racecourse, Kennford, Exeter, EX6 7XS | BOOK NOW
All day event - timings and speakers to be confirmed.
Check the current Summer DELEGATE LIST
One free place per Devon primary/secondary school as part of their membership of DAPH/DASH. Terms and conditions apply - please see booking form for further details.
Annual School Leadership Conference
Prices confirmed for 2020:
- 2 day residential - £375.00pp (non-sharing)
- 2 day residential sharing - £355.00pp (sharing with named colleague)
- 2 day non-residential - £300.00pp
Check the current DELEGATE LIST.
Terms and conditions apply. Please see booking form for further details.
 Covid-19 Guidance for Educational Settings
Government guidance for schools and other educational settings in providing advice about the coronavirus, COVID-19 can be viewed HERE.
DfE Coronavirus helpline
Exam preparation and Ofqual advice
The latest updates from Ofqual with regards to exam preparation can be found on the DfE website.
 Devon Maintenance Partnership - New Agreement 2020 - 2024
The Devon Maintenance Partnership (DMP) Agreement, which has been running since April 2015, is due to expire at the end of March 2020. Based on the success of this scheme, a replacement DMP 2020-2024 has been developed to maintain the standards set in the previous scheme and also enhanced to cover additional installations and include further benefits.
Action: schools are required to confirm their intention of continued subscription OR of new schools wishing to join OR of schools opting out of the scheme by completing and returning this DMP registration form.
For further information about the Devon Maintenance Partnership 2020-2024 agreement, please contact Nick Cook (NPS):
T 01392 351226 E nick.cook@nps.co.uk
 School Security Policy
It is important for schools to have a policy and plan in place to manage and respond to security related incidents. DfE guidance for schools on security policies can be read HERE.
 Conduct during Ofsted inspections
Guidance on the conduct of Ofsted inspectors and Ofsted’s expectations of providers during inspection has been published and can be read HERE.
Ofsted seeks views on proposals to revise post-inspection arrangements
Ofsted seeks your views on proposals to revise post-inspection arrangements across all of our work. The Consultation can be viewed HERE.
Guidance - Deferring Ofsted inspections
Read Ofsted’s deferral policy for determining that an inspection of a provider should not go ahead on the planned dates.
Sean Harford's speech - ASCL Annual Conference 2020
 Open consultation | Keeping children safe in education: proposed revisions 2020
The DfE are seeking views on proposed changes to the statutory guidance ‘Keeping children safe in education’, with a view to making changes for September 2020. For more details and a link to the consultation, please visit GOV.UK.
This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 21 April 2020.
 DAPH and DASH Group Representation on Local Authority Working Groups
The scope and role of DAPH (Primary Representation) and DASH (Secondary Representation) within the local context is illustrated in the Working Groups Representation Chart effective for the current academic year.
 When attending meetings of Devon Education Forum (DEF), its sub-groups and other statutory or working groups, DAPH & DASH Representatives provide a summary of key messages and issues affecting schools.
- Details of Membership on DEF, agendas and full minutes of previous meetings and other information about DEF are advertised on the DEF website
- Read the minutes from the last DEF meeting held on 22 January 2020 HERE
- Date of the next DEF meeting is 18 March 2020
Contact the Forum: E schools.forum@devon.gov.uk T 01392 382305
 To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for Schools' Finance Group, which is a sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SFG website.
- Read the minutes of the last SFG meeting held on 4 March 2020 HERE
- Date of next SFG meeting is 3 June 2020
 To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for School Organisation, Capital and Admissions Group (SOCA), which is a sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SOCA website
- Read the minutes of the last SOCA meeting held on 2 March 2020 HERE
- Date of next SOCA meeting is 9 June 2020

Devon Children and Families Partnership
Read the latest DCFP news HERE | dcfp.org.uk
The advice to anyone in Devon who may have suspicions of child abuse or neglect is to contact Devon’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
Children & Young People's Plan 2019-2023 can be viewed HERE
Guidance | Babcock One Minute Guides
The Babcock One Minute Guidance documents are just a few of the essential resources available to Designated Safeguarding Leads, Headteachers and Governors.
As well as quick reference guides they can be used to cascade information to staff, Governors and volunteers as part of their regular safeguarding training. READ MORE on the Babcock LDP website.
Adolescent Safety Framework Training - more dates added
DCFP have organised more Adolescent Safety Framework (ASF) training sessions (also known as Safer Me or ASF) from March until July 2020.
Full details of training dates, venues and booking details are advertised on the DCFP website.
Read more about the Adolescent Safety Framework (Safer Me).
For more information, please contact safeguardingelearning-mailbox@devon.gov.uk.
EH4MH School Briefing March 2020
Although 2020 will be the last year of the original 5-year ‘Early Help 4 Mental Health’ programme, local support will continue to be available as the national schools’ mental health programme is rolled out. Elements of EH4MH are also continuing to be offered by a range of providers to help embed these within schools.
Read the March 2020 School Briefing for more information.
 Devon SEND Local Offer and Strategy
Statutory Guidance SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years defines that the Local Offer has two key purposes:
- To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it.
- To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEND and their parents, and disabled young people and those with SEND, and service providers in its development and review.
For more information visit the Devon SEND Local Offer website.
Keep up to date with the latest news - subscribe to the newsletter HERE or view recent SEND news and updates on the SEND website.
EHCP Reviews using the EHC Hub
Following feedback from schools, professionals, parents and young people the system Devon uses to manage EHC Plans is being improved. From the summer term SENDcos will be able to plan EHCP reviews due to take place in the Autumn term using the EHC Hub. More information can be found HERE.
 Is your school information accurate?
A reminder to all schools to check / update information held within the DCC Admissions Directory or use the Update Form via this LINK
Admission Arrangements and School / Academy Trust Websites
A reminder that all schools must publish determined admissions policies and proposed policies on their school / Academy Trust website during the consultation period.
Visit this page to SUBSCRIBE to the Early Years and Childcare Service newsletter, a weekly email digest of new updates (sent every Friday morning).

School Leadership Support Service (SLSS)
The School Leadership Support Service offers a personal and confidential service to all school leaders via telephone and email during term time | READ MORE
Contact SLSS: T 01392 380518 or 07970 905511 E slss-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
 RE newsletter for schools in Devon, Torbay and Exeter Diocese
Read the latest news and updates in the Spring term RE newsletter dated March 2020.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Update
Subscribe to receive a weekly round-up of information and actions for Education and Skills Funding Agency funded organisations.
To find out more about the Education and Skills Funding Agency | READ MORE

Read the latest DAG newsletter Issue 173 (12.03.20) HERE
Most of the web pages and documents on the DAG website are restricted to DAG members - if you are a DAG member please log in
Subscribe to DAG | if you would like to join the Devon Association of Governance (DAG), gain access to the members only content and receive the DAG e-newsletter by email, please complete the F O R M on the DAG website.
Devon Association of Primary Headteachers (DAPH) &
Devon Association of Secondary Headteachers (DASH)
View the current Executive Committee members here - see DAPH & DASH
Contact us: T 01392 380518 E daph@devon.gov.uk W daph.org.uk
DAPH / DASH Office | Venture House, One Capital Court, Bittern Road, Sowton Industrial Estate Exeter EX2 7FW