Smokefree Devon Alliance Newsletter - September 2018

Smokefree Alliance Devon

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Welcome to the latest Smokefree Devon Alliance newsletter.

In this edition we look forward to getting behind another successful Stoptober campaign. We reveal the 2017/18 Stop Smoking Service annual report which includes the latest figures on adult smoking prevalence in Devon. 

As always please share any information that you would like included in future editions.

Andrew Priest (Public Health, Devon County Council)

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Stop Smoking Services Annual Report

The latest Public Health outcomes report shows the prevalence of adult smoking in Devon has slightly increased in the past year from 12.6% to 13.5%. This does not represent a statistically significant change and the rate of smoking by Devon's population still remains below the national level of 14.9%. However, the latest figure does give us a timely reminder that smoking continues to be the biggest cause of preventable death and ill health in Devon and reducing its prevalence further is going to be more challenging than ever. It is essential that we work collaboratively and pool our strengths as organisations, to continue to make a real difference to the health of our population. 

View the latest report now.

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Stoptober is back for 2018

A reminder to everyone that Stoptober returns TODAY to encourage people to quit smoking from 1st October. Since the campaign first started back in 2012, Stoptober has prompted over 1.7 million quit attempts. Research shows that if you can stop smoking for 28 days, you are five times more likely to kick the habit for good. Find out more about how you can promote the campaign this year.

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Alliance Strategy and Action Plan 

As you may be aware, the Smokefree Devon Alliance launched its new tobacco control strategy back in March with the following three priority areas: 

 1: To protect children and young people from tobacco and encourage Smokefree pregnancies.

 2:  To reduce health inequalities caused by smoking and support vulnerable groups to be Smokefree.

 3:  To create and support Smokefree organisations, particularly NHS organisations.

Following creation of the strategy the Alliance have developed an Action Plan which reflects the next steps for the group to achieve our vision of a smokefree Devon. By harnessing your enthusiasm and willingness to work together we can continue to tackle the prevalence of smoking in Devon.

The strategy document and action plan are available here on the Smokefree Devon website

If you are interested in getting involved in this collaborative work, you are more than welcome. Please do get in touch!

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Smokefree Devon Alliance website updates

We are in the process of updating the Smokefree Devon website. Please contact if you are aware of anything that needs to be altered or have ideas of useful additions that will help you with your tobacco control efforts.  

20th September 2018

Training for Stop Smoking Advisors

Practitioners and partners can check out upcoming face-2-face Stop Smoking Advisor training dates below:

All training is delivered by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service. Before booking onto the initial training, please check that your GP practice or pharmacy has a contract to deliver Public Health Services.

Please note, at least one advisor from each organisation must attend the refresher training every year.

Online information for Advisors 

If you have any queries about the smoking cessation service you are running, or are looking for resources, please check the Smokefree Devon Alliance website. 

Free online training for professionals on e-cigarettes 

National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) course covers the safety and effectiveness of e-cigarettes, types of devices and issues for e-cigarette users to consider. It looks specifically at the role of e-cigarettes for young people and pregnant women who smoke, and answers frequently asked questions.  

Access the training here.


News and inspiration from around the UK. 

Read a new report that looks at what GP practices can do to support smoking cessation.

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