The County Council is currently in the process of writing a new Strategic Plan and we were asked to comment on its initial structure and format.
We were grateful to have been consulted at the beginning of the process.
The Plan will be web-based so that it is more dynamic and imaginative; therefore there are no plans to produce printed copies. However, we said that people would welcome the opportunity to have conversations rather than read printed material. We suggested the development of a Communications Strategy for the Strategic Plan with attendance at events and forums and not limiting engagement to social media.
We suggested some small changes to the headings (themes) but generally welcomed them and felt they covered key community/service issues. We asked if the 'keeping safe' theme also covered Hate Crime and if the 'stay healthy' theme also covered Mental Health.
We recommended cross cutting themes around connectivity (not being isolated/being able to get from A to B), sense of belonging, inclusion and equality.