Children's Social Care newsletter - issue 5

Welcome to your Children's Social Care Newsletter

Issue 5 Colleagues not receiving it? Tell us 

       24 February 2017


CareFirst fDocs update

fDocs updates for February 2017

Critical information: launch of Stronger Families: Safer Children (new child pathway model)

New forms to support our new 'Stronger Families: Safer Children' (strengths-based approach) working with children and families in need of protection and those who are the subject of child protection investigations are now live on CareFirst. 

There are links from some of the forms to guidance notes on FDocs.The new forms are:

  • D3 Child Single Assessment v2
  • D5 Child's Plan v2
  • G0 Information Request to Police for Strategy Discussion
  • G1 Strategy Discussion / Meeting Record v7
  • G2 Section 47 Enquiry Record v7
  • H2 Social Work Report CP Conference
  • H9 IRU Monitoring for CP v2
  • I6 ICPC QA Screening Tool

New printable form reports have been created for:

  • D3 Single Assessment v2
  • D5 Child's Plan v2 – this one allows you to output just the plan for the family or the whole form.

Please use these forms from now on,  and if you have any questions please email the mailbox:

CS102A form

In 2015/16 we introduced a more rigorous and thorough system for reviewing the Special Guardianship Order, Child Arrangement Order and Adoption Order allowances. 

During the setting up of this system it was identified that there was a lack of clarity and consistency in where crucial information on the allowance was recorded on CareFirst. For example,

  • Who agreed it?
  • How long was it agreed for?
  • What is the end date?
  • Is it subject to an annual review?
  • Are there any exceptional circumstances?
  • How much was agreed?

The CS102A form – already well known to social workers, our finance staff, team managers, the placements team, and SWTROs – has been adapted to address these issues. These changes will make us more aware of allowances coming to an end and therefore enable us to contact the carers in good time for them to make adjustments or request a further assessment of need.

The CS102A for allowances will be completed by the Special Guardianship Support Team, see pages 15 and 16 of the guidance.

Child protection

South West Child Protection Procedures (SWCPP) staff survey

The DSCB, in co-operation with other local Safeguarding Children Boards in the south west, has produced a staff survey in order to better understand how professionals are using the South West Child Protection Procedures website and how it can be improved. We are asking all agencies to please forward the survey to practitioners. We are looking for feedback from practitioners at all levels, so please feel free to share this with your colleagues.

The survey will only take about five minutes to complete, and we would very much appreciate your feedback.

By optimising the SWCPP website we are looking to improve safeguarding practice throughout the region and ultimately improve outcomes for children, so please make sure you take part in this important piece of work.

The survey will initially be open for responses until Friday 24 February.

Workforce Development

Conversations that Matter: The Children's Society in Torbay (Checkpoint) Conference

Checkpoint Torbay is 25 years old this year. This event marks the decades spent supporting children and young people suffering extreme hardship, abuse and neglect in the South West.

The Children’s Society Torbay - in conjunction with Dr Margot Sunderland, Director of Education and Training at The Centre for Child Mental Health London - is holding a conference  ‘Conversations that Matter’ for  professionals committed to improving  the wellbeing of children and young people.

The conference takes place at Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre on Monday 27 March 2017- tickets available now (there is a cost - from your budget).

Resources and publications

Referrals to the RD&E paediatric team 

Are you a team manager or social worker in Exeter, East and Mid Devon?

The paediatric team at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital is looking into the referral process for children requiring safeguarding medicals. Our aim is to highlight any concerns or problems with the current referral process to enable us to address these issues and make the process easier and more user friendly.

The anonymous survey can be completed here and should take no more than five minutes:

The information gathered will go on to help improve our services for children and young people in our region.

Have your say! NAAS consultation reminder

Assessment and Accreditation System – NAAS – is currently consulting on the new national system of assessment and accreditation for child and family social workers and setting out how we see it working in practice.

You can complete the consultation here:

It closes on 14 March 2017.

Who is nominated as a STAR this month?

Well done... Gavin Williams

    You can nominate a colleague or team now and log your compliments (Jan-Feb-March). Winners will be chosen by Dave Black, Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment.

    key messages

    Dear colleague,

    Often when I get involved in something it’s because things aren’t going well - so it’s always great to have good practice drawn to my attention. I’m going to start this newsletter with some of the good things I’ve been hearing about in the past couple of weeks.

    Kath Drescher made my day last week by reminding me that we’re on track to have 85 of our children adopted this year! That’s a brilliant achievement for the whole service.

    When doing a foster carer's annual review this week, I picked up an amazing message in the report from a 17 year old child in care: “The most important thing in my life right now is the people I live with, they have helped me change my life and made my life amazing. My bedroom feels calm and safe.”
    How great is that?

    I’m also really pleased to tell you that the summary of findings from the staff survey that many of you completed before Christmas are now ready to share widely and my expectation is that this will be on the agenda at your next team meetings. You had some really positive things to say about the support you are getting from your manager, the learning and development you have had and improvements’ to your ways of working. This is really great progress to hear about given our investment in recruitment and support to staff, and initiatives in place like the team manager development programme.

    Of course there is more to do and SMT are developing an action plan picking up issues like reminding managers to make sure social workers are managing their time off in lieu (TOIL) appropriately, Valerie (our Principle Social Worker) is clarifying the risks assessment and other evidenced based tools we support and improving your access to them. I will be writing to you in March with a more detailed response about how we have responded.

    This month I’ve been part of a range of discussions to ensure we get the whole system working well including developments in specialist mental health provision in the region, placement sufficiency, reviewing our children’s centre arrangements, public health nursing, and with the police about arrangements for missing children.

    This month, also, the four area managers submitted the first overview of performance in their area for the past quarter – reporting on progress against your team plans. I could really see how key areas such as placement stability, children being seen and the quality of supervision are being prioritised. My challenge has been to improve the evidence of the work that social workers are doing with children and families as part of the agreed plan and evidence the difference this is making in terms of outcomes for children. I would like to see more evidence of planned and purposeful social work…

    New quality standards for social work practice have been agreed following work by a cross service group and are being implemented. Audits are starting to be undertaken in a more purposeful way to support service improvement as part of an emerging new approach to quality assurance. This week two key audit reports were presented to SMT, one on children who come into care for a short time and the other on practice on children on care orders placed at home. Both contained significant observations on where practice needs to improve; better assessment, more creative work with families and stronger evidence of management oversight. All of these will be shared with you to ensure we are all clear about and adhering to practice expectations.

    Team managers are currently attending meetings about our child protection practice to make sure consistent decisions are being made and recorded correctly by teams across the county. The new child protection conference model seems to have made a good start in its first weeks; we’re keeping a close eye to make sure its working as we planned. We’ve got more work to do to make sure everyone understands our financial position for next year, and that we are well equipped to operate within budgets.

    So – as always LOTS going on! I hope this is a useful overview but please do let me know if there is something in particular you would like me to focus on in future newsletters.


    Vivien Lines

    Vivien Lines, Head of Children's Social Care (interim)


    Placement stability

    The placement stability task and finish group has spent many months looking at how we can improve placement stability within Devon.

    Here is an overview of the changes you can expect to see in order to promote placement stability.

    Keeping in contact and being contactable – making best use of ICT tools

    Following joint work with Scomis ICT the online ‘How to’ guides are being updated and improved. This guidance builds on the existing guidance developed during the LEAN review and summarises how to make best use of key ICT tools, ensuring effective two-way communication and contactability is achieved, regardless of where you work from.  Find out more.


    Launch of Stronger Families: Safer Children

    The new child protection pathway strength-based approach for child protection called 'Stronger Families: Safer Children' was launched on the 1 February 2017. The new model will provide a robust approach to balancing risks and strengths, identifying and building on the assets around the child and harnessing these to reduce risks.

    Two videos have been developed for practitioners and families to use.

    So far, seven multi-agency workshops have been held across Devon, providing an introduction to the strength-based approach to child protection to over 500 practitioners. 500 are booked on the remaining courses. There are limited places available but  more  workshops will be available throughout the year.

    For further information, videos and workshops find out more.

    Going Live

    Children’s Social Work and Child Protection Services Management Information SharePoint site

    We have launched the Children’s Social Work and Child Protection Services Management Information SharePoint site

    There is a clear expectation from SMT that you will make full use of this SharePoint site to access the latest MI data to monitor how your team is performing, and identify possible service improvements within your work stream.  

    You can also find the staff survey here on the MI SharePoint site (see second tabbed box and then click on the last tab called ‘CSW Staff Survey’).

    This SharePoint site is a self-serve resource designed to enhance access, understanding and communication of performance issues across Children's Social Care Services. Find out how it can help you.

    Eclipse Project Update

    The Eclipse Project team is more or less complete now, although one or two new members will be joining shortly. We now have a range of different people with lots of skills and knowledge, all of which is necessary to complete this exciting but complex project.

    More from Business Lead, Nicky Scutt

    Eclipse Team 2


    DIAS 'This is Me' for young people a view gathering document

    As Devon’s information advice and support service, DIAS is constantly updating and producing information to support families and young people with SEND.

    The new ‘This is Me’ document, has been designed to be used by young people, either independently or with support from an adult and is being used by the 0-25 team as part of their view gathering toolkit.

    It is relevant to the EHC needs assessment process and can help young people understand why their views are so important and what information needs to be gathered.

    Spotlight on

    February SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) update

    In the latest update, find a summary of the Peer review carried out last year with a link to inspectors' full report.

    There are also details of important Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) training, and a reminder that the current consultation on Devon's SEND reforms is still underway.

    You can also find out how our Local Offer is shaping up, and how we are restructuring our work around Education, Health and Care assessments.

    Did you know?

    We have a new manager welcome Jenny-Ellen!

    Jenny-Ellen Scotland has joined us as the new area manager for Exeter. She tells us more about her role and plans. Meet Jenny-Ellen!

    Devon Safeguarding Children Board
    Information Governance
    Workforce Development