DAPH Update : Autumn Term | 14 November 2016 | Issue 3


   Autumn Term | 14 November 2016 | Issue 3

Spring Briefings

N E W  |  DAPH Spring Briefings 2017

Book O N L I N E

The Spring Briefings will have a focus on

D A T A  &  A S S E S S M E N T

SOUTH & EAST  |  Wednesday 1 February 2017 at Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh

NORTH & WEST  |  Tuesday 7 February 2017 at the Tiverton Hotel, Tiverton

DAPH Autumn Briefing  |  10 November 2016 at the Tiverton Hotel

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to last week's DAPH Autumn Briefing which we hope you found both useful and informative. Following on from the event, we would like to bring to your attention links to the presentations and further reading:-

Speaker presentations to view / download:-

Bradley Simmons  |  Ofsted Regional Director, South West  |  Ofsted Update Nov'16

Jo Olsson  |  Interim Chief Officer for Children’s Service  |  An Emerging Strategy...

Professor David Woods CBE  |  Leadership Matters

Bookings now O P E N for next year's

DAPH Annual School Leadership Conference

12 & 13 October 2017 at the Saunton Sands Hotel

DAPH Conf17


HOW TO BOOK  |  booking is essential and via the
O N L I N E   B O O K I N G   F O R M

ASCL Annual Conference  |  10&11 March 2017


ASCL are offering a 20% group discount for their 2017 Conference for bookings from Devon primary schools that are members of DAPH. Schools that have already booked should email Annual.Conference@ascl.org.uk and quote 'DAPH' to ensure that the discount is applied at the time of invoicing.

HOW TO BOOK plus DISCOUNT CODE  |  see the ASCL website for booking and event details. Please ensure you quote 'DAPH' when booking to ensure it attracts the 20% discount.

Leadership Development

School Leadership Support Service (SLSS) 

The School Leadership Support Service offers a personal and confidential service to all school leaders via telephone and email during term time    |    READ MORE

01392 380518 or 07970 905511   slss-mailbox@devon.gov.uk

Recommended Reading

Education Funding Agency (EFA) e-bulletins

The Education Funding Agency (EFA) e-bulletins are issued weekly in term time and provide the latest information and actions from Education Funding Agency (EFA) for academies, schools, colleges, local authorities and other post-16 providers.

Read more about the Education Funding Agency

To view/download the latest bulletins, click the links below:-

  146|  20 October 2016

  147|  27 October 2016

  148|  3 November 2016

  149| 10 November 2016

To subscribe to these bulletins email EFA.bulletin@education.gsi.gov.uk


Headlines is a regular newsletter from Dawn Stabb,  Head of Education and Learning. Download the lastest issue dated 8 November 2016  |  READ MORE

What's New
Children and young people briefing banner

Read the latest Children and Young People Briefing 1 dated 4 November 2016 which includes an update on partnership arrangements  |  READ MORE

Are you ready? Planning for School Emergencies

Annual Update  |  Get Ready for Winter Information for 2016

Government’s Apprenticeship Changes – an update

Further to the communication in September , the Government have now issued further guidance about the Levy and other funding arrangements, which will take effect from May 2017  |  READ MORE


Michelmores' Schools Update  |  October 2016

Read the latest update from Michelmores  |  READ MORE  |  michelmores.com

Department for Education

National Statistics: Key stage 2 national curriculum test review outcomes: 2016

Provisional marking review data for the 2016 key stage 2 national curriculum tests  |  READ MORE

Written statement to Parliament: Primary education

Written ministerial statement by Education Secretary Justine Greening on primary education  |  READ MORE

Guidance: PE and sport premium: funding allocations for 2016 to 2017

PE and sport premium allocations and conditions of grant for the 2016 to 2017 academic year  |  READ MORE

Guidance: School attendance

Guidance on using pupil registers and attendance codes, and setting school hours and term dates  |  READ MORE

Transparency data: Coasting schools in England: November 2016 (provisional data)

The number of 'coasting schools' in England, according to the proposed definition and provisional 2016 school performance result  |  READ MORE

Guidance: Primary school accountability

Technical guidance on primary accountability and school-level progress measures  |  READ MORE

Consultation outcome: 30-hour free childcare entitlement

Download the full outcome and read a summary of the responses received, along with the government’s response outlining the next steps  |  READ MORE

DEvon Education Forum

When attending meetings of Devon Education Forum (DEF), its sub-groups and other statutory or working groups, DAPH Representatives provide a summary of key messages and issues affecting the primary phase.

  • Feedback from DEF 19 October 2016 meeting  |  READ MORE
  • Details of Membership on DEF, agendas and full minutes of previous meetings and other information about DEF can be found on the DEF website
  • Date of next DEF 16 January 2017

Primary Headteacher representation on DEF  |  Following recent elections in October 2016, primary headteacher representation is:-

  • Jamie Stone  |  Denbury Primary School
  • Alun Dobson  |  Marwood Primary School
  • Martyn Boxall  |  Exeter Children's Federation
  • Jonathan Bishop  |  Broadclyst Primary School (academy rep)

with substitutes noted as:-

  • Jan Reid  |  Yeo Valley Primary School
  • David Barnett  |  Chudleigh CofE Community Primary School
  • Paul Walker  |  Genesis Academy Trust (academy rep)

To contact the Forum: schools.forum@devon.gov.uk         Tel: 01392 382305

Schools Finance

To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for Schools' Finance Group, which is a sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SFG Website

Fair Funding for Schools and High Needs Block  |  Response from Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards

See Nick Gibb's R E S P O N S E to Councillor James McInnes'  L E T T E R (dated 12 October 2016) which was sent to the Right Honourable Justine Greening MP, outlining serious concerns that the first stage of the Department for Education’s ‘Fair Funding’ consultation has raised for Devon in relation to the high needs block.

School Organisation, Capital and Admissions

To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for School Organisation, Capital and Admissions (SOCA), which is a sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SOCA website.

Eligibility of the Extended Criteria

Following the last SOCA meeting on 27 September 2016, please find below for your information the eligibility criteria for funded extended early years entitlement  |  READ MORE

Contact: Fran Butler  |  Early Years and Childcare Sufficiency Lead


Safeguarding and Early Help
DSCB logo

Best Practice Masterclass

Children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

 The DSCB is running FREE masterclasses across Devon on working with Children displaying Harmful Sexual Behaviour. The Masterclass will explore the complexities of working with and supporting families where young people are displaying harmful sexual behaviour.

This half day event is suitable for all professionals working with children and families.

How to B O O K  |  view F L Y E R for more details


S O U T H  |  Monday 23rd January

1.30-4.30pm, Stover Country Park, Newton Abbott

N O R T H  |  Thursday 26th January

1.30 - 4.30pm, Filleigh Village Hall

E X E T E R,  M I D  & E A S T  |  Monday 30th January

1.30-4.30pm, Coaver Conference Centre, County Hall, Exeter

Contact  |  safeguardingelearning-mailbox@devon.gov.uk

DSCB Conference

Wednesday 1 March 2017 at Exeter Racecourse

Adolescents – Risk and Protection

Venue  |  Exeter Racecourse, Haldon, Exeter

Aim  |   To develop an understanding of how we might effectively safeguard adolescents who exhibit risky behaviours. The conference will:-

  • Develop a common understanding of risky behaviour
  • Consider levels of risk and the likely consequences
  • Consider methods of effective risk management
  • Recognise the role of the internet and social media in risky behaviour
  • Listen to the experience of young people and what risk means to them
  • Develop effective responses to young people

3 key speakers are confirmed:

  • Marian Brandon -  Professor of Social Work and Director of the Centre for Research on Children and Families at the University of East Anglia.
  • Dez Holmes –Director of Research in Practice
  • Edi Carmi – a consultant and the author of the Serious Case Review - Operation Brooke

View the flyer and booking information  |  READ MORE

PREVENT  |  Useful Documents

Prevent Duty Risk Assessment Action Plan T E M P L A T E

FEI Prevent Risk Assessment T E M P L A T E

FEI Prevent Action Plan T E M P L A T E

Other useful links D O C U M E N T

Devon Safeguarding Children's Board Annual Report

The Devon Safeguarding Children's Board has published its Annual Report for 2015-16. To see the Report link HERE

Reminder  |  Section 175/157 Safeguarding Annual Audit

Back in September, Babcock LDP distributed this year’s audit to schools and settings. In response to feedback, this year’s audit is on an Excel spreadsheet which will enable designated safeguarding leads to save and share it with colleagues. As in previous years, if the audit is not completed fully it will be returned. Please do not submit hard copies. The deadline for completion is 31 December 2016. A 100% return has been achieved for the last three years, but a lot of time is spent chasing schools which have not responded by the deadline, so please complete and return promptly.

Any questions about the audit should be sent to Louisa.rockey@babcockinternational.com


Important changes taking place across services for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Having recently undergone some organisational change at Devon County Council, Jo Olsson has now taken on the Chief Officer Children (COC) role and has written to give schools an update on some important changes taking place across services for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)  |  READ MORE

SEND Local Offer

Devon’s SEND Local Offer provides up-to-date information on support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. It covers provision for children and young people with SEND from birth to 25, including information on education, health and social care services and how to access them.

Visit the SEND website

School Governance

DAG Newsletters - view the latest newsletters on the DAG website

Issue 108 (20 October) and Issue 109 (3 November)

Devon Association of Governors (DAG) e-newsletter, the fortnightly digest of the articles published in the DAG website.  In order to open these news articles, you need to log in to the DAG website first. To register, please complete the website registration form

DAG Autumn Conference  |  Saturday 19 November 2016 at County Hall, Exeter

The DAG conference is free to attend for DAG members and associate members.

Following feedback from governors and clerks, this conference will give delegates increased opportunity to meet, discuss and share experiences. The key workshops run by local practitioners for clerks and governors - check the DAG website for more details and to register your place  |  dag.gb.com

Early Years

Getting your business ready for the rollout of 30 hours Early Years entitlement  |  download F L Y E R

Hempsalls will be delivering workshops during February 2017 for early years providers and schools with early years provision.  Three dates are available to book:-

  • Tuesday 7 February 2017  |  10am – 1.30pm, Ivybridge
  • Tuesday 7 February 2017  |  6pm – 9.30pm, Exeter
  • Wednesday 8 February 2017  |  1.30pm – 5pm, Barnstaple

Context  |  Recent changes to the early years entitlements have impacted positively on children’s attainment. They have also in some areas re-shaped where, how, and when parents and carers take up early education. In short, the shape of the market is changing, and forthcoming policies will add to that mix  |  READ MORE about the workshop content and aims.

Booking  |  please use the following link to book your place on one of the workshops www.devon.gov.uk/eywd

Contact Nicola Dunn  |  Senior Workforce Development Advisor nicola.dunn@devon.gov.uk

And Finally

CAP UK  |  safestrongfree.org.uk

Here at the DAPH Office we've received a T H A N K  Y O U  letter from CAP UK, this year's chosen charity for fundraising events at the DAPH Annual School Leadership Conference. All the funds raised (£1020.00p) will be put towards running CAP UK workshops in Devon primary schools. A big thank you to everyone to contributed.