Welcome from Jo Olsson - Chief Officer for Children's Services (interim)
Welcome to our new-look bulletin aimed at partners who support Devon's children and young people, such as Devon Safeguarding Children Board, Children's Alliance, our voluntary sector network, Babcock, and our Police and NHS colleagues.
Please do pass on any relevant information to your colleagues as appropriate. Best wishes, Jo
Update on partnership
The Wood Review, published this summer, made a series of
recommendations about the future of Local Safeguarding Children Boards, which have all been accepted by Government
(the Department for Education estimate that the Wood recommendations will go live in mid-2018). This prompted a review of the partnership
arrangements in Devon, focusing on the need to innovate and bring about change
on the one hand without jeopardising what is working on the other. Find out more.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) update
Important changes taking place across services
for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
What is the Local Offer? Devon’s Local Offer for SEND contains
information about the services available for children and young people with
SEND. The information should be clear and up to date.
What is new? We have been working on the website over the
summer and we are particularly interested in what you think about the
‘Preparing for Adulthood’ section. This information is there to support young
people aged 14-25 with the transition into adult services. We have made a start
and now we need your help to make sure the information is relevant and useful.
We have also added some information about the upcoming Ofsted/CQC inspection.
How can I tell you what I think? You can give feedback on the information
featured on the Local Offer website in different ways. We want to change the website to make it
better. Your feedback will help us to do this.
Congratulations to our finalists in this
year’s Social Worker of the Year Awards
We are proud to announce that we have eight finalists across the Council for this
year's Social Worker of the Year Awards. The prestigious awards ceremony is the
leading celebration of its kind in the social care sector, and recognises the
achievements and successes of the profession’s most innovative and dedicated
social workers.
Three finalists are from Children's Services:
Beynon – Team Leader of the Year,
Children’s Services
Harris – Children’s Social Worker of
the Year
Scallan – Team Leader of the Year,
Children’s Services
The last year has been characterised by
recognition of the amazing job that social workers do; quietly, professionally,
day in day out, changing the lives of children and families by doing their job
really well. Congratulations to all our social workers.