Community News from Derbyshire County Council – 6 January 2025

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Happy New Year

We'd like to wish you all the best for 2025 and look forward to keeping you up to date with all the latest news in the coming year.

happy new year 2025

If you know of any groups or organisations who might like to hear from us, why not forward on this email and they can sign up on our website to get lots of Derbyshire info, advice and news direct to their inbox.

Wintry weather

A cold arctic blast arrived over the UK bringing snow and rain at the weekend.


Please be prepared if you’re out on the roads. There’s lots of info on our website, and a map which tells you when a road was last gritted and which main roads are closed. We treat around 1,500 miles of road across Derbyshire.

Cold weather can also have a serious impact on older and vulnerable people and young children.

There are things you can do to keep yourself and your home warm:

✔️ draw your curtains at dusk

✔️ keep doors closed to block out draughts

✔️ have regular warm drinks and at least one hot meal a day

✔️ wear several lighter layers, rather than one chunky jumper.

Checking in on older people to ensure they’ve got enough food and medicines can help them stay well this winter.

Signing up to the MET office email alerts can also help you be prepared for any severe weather that could be on the way. Find advice about how to stay well this winter and sign up to Met Office alerts.

Keeping our libraries open

If you use your local library, you'll be glad to hear we have a plan to keep all our libraries open, offering modern and sustainable services to all.

teenagers library

The plan will be discussed by our council Cabinet on Thursday 9 July. It's detailed in our Public Library Service Strategy, 'A Modern Library Service for Derbyshire'. You can read the report on the Cabinet agenda (item 10 – Adoption of Library Strategy).

We aim to meet necessary budget savings, reflect changing patterns of library use and ensure the library service remains as accessible, flexible, efficient and cost-effective as possible.

Another main part of the strategy is to see that libraries remain strong community hubs which can act as 'front doors' to other council services.

Balancing our budget

We're discussing new savings proposals to support us setting a balanced budget for the year ahead.

money cash coins pound

While we continue to work hard to control spending and be as efficient as we can be in all areas of our work, we're still facing significant budget pressures due to a number of factors which are beyond our control. These include pay and price inflation and rising demand for services, particularly in adults and children’s social care.

As well as a current forecast overspend for 2024-25 (the current financial year) of £28.1m, there's a predicted shortfall in our budget for the year ahead (2025-26) of £18.6m which has led to the new savings proposals being put forward.

You can read the latest budget report on the Cabinet agenda (item 14 – Budget Savings Proposals 2025/26 to 2029/30), which will be discussed on Thursday 9 January. 

Make 2025 the year you quit smoking

quite smoking new year

Could you make 2025 the year you quit smoking for good? There’s lots of free support available to help you.

Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health – and it can save you around £2,500 a year.

So why not start your smoke free journey with our Live Life Better service? You’re far more likely to quit smoking successfully with the right support.


Primary school places

apply for school place

Calling all parents!

If your child is due to start school this September – or move from infants to juniors – you need to apply for their primary, infant or junior place before Wednesday 15 January.

Find out more and apply here Primary, infant and junior school admissions - Derbyshire County Council

Still time to have your say

There’s still time to have your say in two public consultations which close later this month.

We’re asking everyone to give us their views on proposals for closer working with our health partners and the future shape of our in-house care services.

In November, our Cabinet agreed to a range of measures which will support changes to the way we provide in-house care services for older people. Cabinet also agreed to further consultation on the use of some of our care homes.

Find out more and have your say by Sunday 12 January here: Further consultation to determine the future use of our remaining residential homes

Proposals for closer working with our health partners through a legal agreement to help more Derbyshire residents stay living independently at home are also being consulted on. The consultation Further integration between health and social care closes on Thursday 16 January.

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