Healthy Workplaces Derbyshire Bulletin

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Derbyshire Selected To Take Part in Multi-Million-Pound Workplace Health Pilot 

Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has been selected to run FREE NHS Health Checks and Live Life Better Derbyshire (LLBD) Body MOT Plus in workplaces across the county.

Why are NHS Health Checks and Body MOT Plus being delivered?

Every year, more than 1.3 million people in England take part in an NHS Health Check - this helps prevent an estimated 300 premature deaths.

Evidence shows that the age of people having cardiovascular disease (CVD) events such as strokes and heart attacks is getting younger, meaning more working-age people are now being affected.

Evidence also shows that some groups, such as men, are less likely to get early help, and by targeting workplaces, we can engage these groups.

Around 1 in 3 people who have a heart attack and 1 in 4 strokes are in people of working age, with a third of stroke survivors not returning to work afterwards.

Derbyshire County Council’s 'Healthy Workplaces Derbyshire' team will deliver FREE NHS Health Checks and Live Life Better Derbyshire Body MOT Plus to workplaces across Derbyshire until March 2025.

What happens during a Health Check / Body MOT Plus?

A Health Check and Body MOT Plus last up to 45 minutes and are carried out by a trained health advisor.

During the check, the advisor will measure cholesterol and glucose levels from a fingertip blood test. They will take blood pressure, height, and weight, as well as ask some lifestyle questions.

The advisor will talk about your current health and discuss any early signs of heart disease and other health conditions like stroke, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, or dementia.

How do I book Health Checks / Body MOT Plus for my workplace?

If your workplace is interested in FREE NHS Health Checks and Body MOT Plus, please visit our website 🔗and complete our Register of Interest Form 🔗 by selecting Health Checks and Body MOTs on question 15.