News from Derbyshire County Council – 19 July 2024

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

England footballer Millie Bright OBE given Honorary Freedom of Derbyshire

England footballer Millie Bright OBE has been bestowed with the Honorary Freedom of the County of Derbyshire.

Chesterfield-born Millie is the first person to receive the prestigious title following agreement by all our councillors at a special meeting held at County Hall in Matlock.

The honour was given to Millie in recognition of her exceptional performance and achievements in women’s football.

Watch the recording of Millie receiving the Honorary Freedom of the County of Derbyshire.

FindOutMoreFinalWhite barMillie Bright with Civic Chairman Tony Kemp

Pictured in the Council Chamber at the presentation are Derbyshire County Council Civic Chairman Councillor Tony Kemp and footballer and Honorary Freewoman of the County of Derbyshire Millie Bright OBE.

Staying safe in and around water

With the school summer holiday just around the corner, it’s a good time to remind children and young people about staying safe in and around water.

water river drowning swimming life buoy ring lifebuoy

If the weather warms up, the temptation to go swimming outdoors often rises too. But the sad fact is that each year Derbyshire firefighters attend multiple water rescue incidents throughout our county and some of these are fatal. These incidents go up in the summer holidays.

Open water is particularly dangerous – the weather may be warm but the water can be much cooler and can trigger Cold Water Shock.This causes cramp and difficulty breathing which can lead to drowning in even the strongest swimmer. Know how to #FloatToLive and spread the word about this technique – it saves lives.

For swimming in all scenarios – indoors and out, home and abroad – there’s a Water Safety Code from the Royal Life Saving Society. It will equip you and your family with vital lifesaving knowledge to keep you safe, in, on and around water:

  • enter the water slowly and carefully
  • stay within reach
  • always be supervised.

Supporting carers

Calling all Derbyshire employers – do you know about the Carer’s Leave Act which allows employees to take unpaid leave to give or arrange care for a loved one?


The new law is designed to help people who juggle both work and a caring role. And the county council can help you support them.

Our Derbyshire Healthy Workplaces team has lots of help and advice on how you can support carers in the workplace and has organised a series of FREE webinars hosted by Derbyshire Carers Association on:

A carer is a person of any age who provides unpaid care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour who is disabled, has an illness or long-term health condition or who needs extra help as they grow older.

Derbyshire Carers Association – which provides a range of carer services on our behalf – also offers free training for organisations to become carer-friendly employers.

Have your say on libraries

Do you use your local library? If you do, you may want to have a say in a consultation we're planning on the future of the service.

child looking at book in library

We’re proposing changes to the way we run our library service which we're confident will create a modern, agile, family-friendly and sustainable library service for Derbyshire and ensure all our libraries stay open.

The proposals form the basis of a new, draft library strategy 'A Modern Library Service for Derbyshire' and are outlined in a report, which will be considered by our Cabinet next week (Thurs 25 July).

Our library service is important, but it's not immune from the financial challenges the council, and other authorities across the country, continue to face.

The proposals include:

  • reducing opening hours across the library network by an average of 10% (except two community-managed libraries in Tideswell and Woodville)
  • investing in technology such as self-service terminals to increase efficiencies, working with communities to identify opportunities for volunteers and groups to help support activity within libraries, and removing most reservation charges
  • merging our mobile service and home library service to create an `outreach’ service, using a greener fleet of smaller, lower carbon vehicles
  • exploring opportunities for re-location and co-location with other council services or partners and making more efficient use of library buildings.

Our Cabinet will be asked to approve a public consultation which will ask for views on the draft strategy and its proposals. If agreed, the public consultation would be launched in August. No decisions will be made until the consultation is carried out and all the views gathered are taken into consideration.


Providing a safe place

Could your organisation or business provide a Safe Place where people can go if they feel scared, are lost or need help when they are out and about?

Safe Place scheme logo

Safe Places are public buildings in towns and communities across Derbyshire, such as libraries, GP surgeries, pharmacies and shops. They have stickers in their windows so people can see that they are part of the scheme and know they can go in and ask for help if they need to.

The Safe Place Scheme is supported by Derbyshire Police, Trading Standards and the Derbyshire Learning Disability
Partnership Board.

To become a Derbyshire Safe Place, someone who has the authority to commit the organisation or business to the Derbyshire Safe Place Scheme must complete an application form. This includes the owner, director or a senior manager.

How do residents sign up and get help at a Safe Place if they need it?
Keep Safe Cards are available to all adults who live in Derbyshire aged 18 or over. They are also available to vulnerable young people aged 11 or above who live in Derbyshire and have received instruction from an adult about how to find and use a Safe Place. Fill in a form to get a Keep Safe Card 

Watch a video on the Safe Place Scheme


Free trees for schools

Are you a parent or teacher, or involved in a Derbyshire school in any way? Did you know your school could claim a free tree as part of our Million Trees project?

tree planting trees

Primary and secondary schools in Derbyshire are being offered a free tree in a mission to help plant at least a Million Trees across the county by 2030 to help tackle the effects of climate change.

We’re leading the Million Trees project which is already over halfway towards achieving the total, and now we’re inviting local schools to claim their free tree and add it to the tree map and totaliser at

Schools should register now to receive their free tree in October/November.

The trees are being paid for by Vertas Derbyshire Limited, the county council’s cleaning and landscape maintenance contractor.

Anyone who has planted a tree in Derbyshire since June 2021 can record it on our interactive map on the Million Trees website.


Small business showcase

Just a reminder about tomorrow’s Small Business Showcase and family fun event in Swadlincote.

It's supported by the Vision Derbyshire Business Start-Up Support Scheme, of which we're a key partner. The great news is that there are now more than 50 exhibitors booked.

Swadlincote small business showcase

Community energy event

solar panels on Twiggs in Matlock

Are you a community-minded Derbyshire business looking to cut your energy bills and your carbon footprint? You could get some inspiration at a free event being held in Matlock to celebrate community energy.

Derbyshire Dales Community Energy and the Big Solar Co-op are holding the event to promote community energy projects happening in Derbyshire including local business Twiggs of Matlock which has installed a huge money-saving solar photovoltaic electricity generating clean energy system.

Find out how businesses can collaborate with community energy to reduce energy costs and their carbon footprint, at the event being held at the Imperial Rooms in Matlock, DE4 3NL from 5pm to 7pm on Thursday 25 July, with a chance to see the solar panels at Twiggs from 4.30pm.

Spaces are limited so please reserve yours by contacting Lucy: Lucy can also help with any further information required.

We provided £50,000 of funding to Derbyshire Dales Community Energy through our Derbyshire Grants in 2022 to support their important work.