Action Required
Outstanding notification of off-site direction outcomes - reminder
Schools should send outcomes or updates of any outstanding Off-Site Direction or Managed Moves, relating to their pupils, to Inclusion Team at Derbyshire County Council before the end of term 23 July 2024, via Perspective Lite, or email:
Derbyshire Parent Carer Voice (DPCV) is actively seeking views on Derbyshire SEND services from families of all children and young people aged 0 to 25 years with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND). Please share this link with parents and carers to make sure they can have their say. Click here to complete the survey, which is due to close Monday 2 September 2024.
New code of conduct for issuing penalty notices – attention Headteachers
Following changes to statutory guidance, please see the proposed updated code of conduct for issuing penalty notices, and accompanying letter in your Perspective Lite July General folder. The letter contains contact details for any comments, which must be received by 23 July 2024.
Bulletin 01 July 2024.
Please see information regarding Teaching Assistant (TA) level 3 apprenticeship programmes. Further professional development information can be found on SchoolsNet and Services for Schools.
The latest newsletter from the Derbyshire Integris Training & Support Team is now available. It includes articles about the new Integris Datashare warning triangle, information for special schools and support centres with Y11 students, SATs and year end reports, plus links to our updated guidance documents for recording nursery funding and recording exclusions and suspensions in Integris. Dates for our next round of online modular training sessions plus our next face-to-face classroom training are now available to book via S4S.
Information is now available to show the number of children due to transfer to secondary education living in the normal area of schools (this information is not presently available for our Catholic secondary schools) and the current school attended. Further information will follow in late August regarding the distribution of publicity and the opening of the online application facility on Monday 9 September 2024.
Derbyshire Services for Schools