News from Derbyshire County Council – 14 June 2024🔹Better Transport Week🔹Dementia support🔹Repair Cafés🔹Walk Away from trouble🔹Substance abuse support webinar for employers🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Better Transport Week

If you drive a car you'll know how tempting it can be to hop behind the wheel for every journey. But if you can choose to be a bit greener and leave your car at home, there are lots of sustainable travel opportunities in Derbyshire.

better transport week 2024

Things like catching a bus, getting on your bike and walking can help make our lives better and can give us a brighter transport future – one that is greener and fairer, that connects people rather than leaving them behind, that helps provide cleaner air and a planet fit for the next generation. All helping towards our net zero carbon ambitions

Better Transport Week (17-23 June) celebrates sustainable transport – public transport, shared travel, cycling, walking and wheeling. You can find out about what we’re doing in Derbyshire here including walking and cycling routes and ideas, work with schools, car share schemes, promoting electric vehicles and more.

We’re backing a new fleet of electric buses for North Derbyshire  And don’t forget the get around for £2 offer to save you money on bus fares. 


Dementia support

Do you care for someone living with dementia? You might find our dementia support sessions useful.


Our Derbyshire Dementia Information and Advice Service is holding a series of information sessions in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society to support residents who care for someone with dementia.

The sessions are online via Zoom and run from 5.30pm to 7pm and cover topics including:

  • Thursday 20 June: living well – keeping active and social
  • Thursday 4 July: living well – maintaining health and wellbeing
  • Thursday 18 July: planning ahead – finances
  • Thursday 1 August: planning ahead – legal issues
  • Thursday 15 August: planning ahead – arranging care.

For more information or to book a place, please email or call 01332 208845.


Carry on repairing

If you have something that needs fixing, your local repair café may be able to help you mend it. 

Buxton repair cafe

The 19 Repair Cafés across the county continue to fix our stuff for free, or for a donation, rather than it being thrown out needlessly.

The work of the tireless volunteers helps to cut waste and cut carbon. The cafés themselves have become welcome social events in the local community. Visitors have the chance to catch up over a cuppa and piece of homemade cake or learn some repair skills for themselves.

Their work supports our net zero carbon ambitions. We’re impressed by the recent number crunching by Buxton Repair Café. Using the Repair Café Carbon Calculator  they worked out that the 650 items they have fixed so far have saved 21,385kg of CO2. This is the equivalent of driving 88,810 miles in a petrol car, or the carbon absorbed by 31 trees in their lifetime.

While the cafés can't fix everything, they will have a go at most things. All the cafés welcome enquiries from potential volunteers. Darley Dale Repair Café in particular is looking for more help at the moment. Anyone interested should contact Sarah Rivett Community Engagement Officer at Darley Dale Town Council 01629 735248 to find out more.

The cafés continue over the summer months but with occasional breaks so do check before going along.


Walk Away from trouble

The Euros kick off this week and lots of us will be watching and supporting.

Euros 2024

Watching football should be fun but sometimes someone can say the wrong thing, spill a drink or knock into someone else.

Things can get heated and that can lead to situations that are unsafe for us or the people around us.

A new campaign Walk Away has launched to help us recognise when things might be starting to get out of hand, and help us to understand how best to deal with that.

Let’s make sure that nights out are remembered for the right reasons. We walk away so everyone can.


Free substance use support webinar

If you employ people, you might want to find out how you could support your workforce around drug and alcohol use.

drug and alcohol support training for employers

Derbyshire employers can take part in a FREE webinar called Let's Talk About Drugs and Alcohol.

The webinar is delivered by Derbyshire Addictions Advice Service in partnership with Healthy Workplaces Derbyshire and will provide information around drug and alcohol use and how it can affect staff and workplaces.

It's appropriate for any employers or employees in Derbyshire wanting to increase their substance use knowledge to support their colleagues and create a healthier workforce.

The first webinar is on Monday 24 June, with other dates later in the year.
