Did you know we’re increasing the number of school places for children with special needs by around 500 as part of a £9.7 million investment we’re making to support vulnerable learners?
 We’re working with headteachers from special schools across Derbyshire under a 5-year plan to increase the number of commissioned places available for children with special needs.
Since 2020, we’ve been working with our special schools to maximise capacity through better use of existing space and have increased the number of spaces we commission from them by more than 200 from 1,022 to 1,227.
Now, we have committed to further increase the number of special school places during the forthcoming academic year 2024/25 to around 1,360 and again during 2025/26 to just over 1,500.
Our investment in special school places is part of a wider project which also includes creating additional places to promote inclusion for children with special needs in mainstream schools, by investing in Enhanced Resource Schools (ERS), SEND Units and alternative provision, which is education provided outside a school setting arranged by the county council or by schools themselves.
A decision to move Buxton Museum and Art Gallery has been announced – but we’re committed to it remaining in its hometown.
The museum and art gallery, which is based in the Peak Buildings complex in Terrace Road, Buxton, was closed to the public last June after structural investigation work revealed dry rot in structural timbers and floor joists, making parts of the building potentially unsafe.
At the time it was hoped the closure would be temporary, but unfortunately we have been left with no choice but to reluctantly relocate the museum and art gallery.
As buildings assessments continue they are revealing the potential costs and length of time that would be needed for the council to bring the building back into use as a modern day museum.
Work will start immediately to move all artefacts, displays and artwork from the building, and when completed the building will be put up for sale.
Plans are currently being developed for a museum service to run in the interim period before the long-term solution is secured.
Things not adding up? Know someone who dreads maths? Help is on hand….
We provide Multiply across Derbyshire. If you're 19 and over and don't have maths GCSE at grade C (or equivalent), or if you're working below level 2, we can help.
Good maths skills can give you more job opportunities, lead to higher wages or further study. They also help in everyday life. You can help children with maths homework or budget to make your money go further.
And for anyone in need of help to get a job our careers workshops could be the answer.
If you’re a carer living in Derbyshire, you may be interested in information events and activities being held during Carers Week from 10 June.
A carer is anyone including children and adults who provide unpaid support with day to day living tasks or personal care to a family member, partner, or friend. The person they care for could be ill, frail, suffers from a physical or mental health condition or impairment, is autistic, living with dementia, or drug or alcohol dependent.
Carers Week aims to raise awareness of the support available for unpaid carers and the huge contribution they make to their families, communities and society.
Events for unpaid carers in Derbyshire during Carers Week hosted by our Derbyshire All Age Carers Support Service (DAACSS) range from relaxation and mindfulness sessions, wellbeing walks and a carer-friendly employment webinar.
To access the events and activities, you’ll need to be a carer and registered with our Derbyshire All Age Carers Support Service.
If you travel in and around Brough, near Bradwell, we want to make you aware of potential disruption from 17 June when work to rebuild a retaining wall is due to start.
The major 12-week repair programme is to fix a retaining wall which collapsed following a storm in November last year. The wall supports the B6049 Stretfield Road through the village, runs alongside the Bradwell Brook and links the A6187 Hope Road and the A623 Baslow to the Chapel Road.
A public information drop-in session about the repairs will be held at the Bradwell War Memorial Hall, Netherside, Bradwell, Hope Valley S33 9JL from 3pm until 7.30pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024. Representatives from our highways, bus and school transport teams will be available to answer any questions about the repairs.
A Buxton business has been fined a total of £6,000 and ordered to pay £5,000 in costs after selling knives and vapes to an under-age person.
It follows a successful prosecution brought by our Trading Standards team and serves as a deterrent and warning to suppliers of age-restricted items like knives, vapes and tobacco.
There’s still time to book your child onto a free course to help them stay safe in open water.
Bluetonic, a charity based in the East Midlands, has partnered with Spring Lakes Outdoor Water Park in Long Eaton to offer free Swim Safe sessions for children aged 7–14 years.
The free sessions will take place every day between Saturday 25th May – Sunday 2nd June and helps children understand:
- What to do if you fall into cold water unexpectedly
- What to do to raise the alarm
- Where to swim safely, as in lifeguarded areas
- Local dangers related to weirs, canal locks and rivers
Coastal dangers related to currents, tides and changing conditions.
A retired NHS healthcare manager, consultant and businessman with 17 years’ experience as a local councillor has been appointed as our new Civic Chairman.
Councillor Tony Kemp, who is the county councillor for the Buxton West Division, accepted his new position at the council’s AGM on Wednesday, taking over the role from Councillor David Taylor.
Councillor Kemp, who has spent the last 12 months as Vice Civic Chairman, will be supported in his new role by Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal who will be the new Vice Civic Chairman, and the first member of the Sikh community to be appointed to the position at the county council.
These roles are to act as ambassadors for Derbyshire and to be a link between the county council and local community bodies, charities and groups. Councillor Trevor Ainsworth will remain as the county council Chairman and will continue to chair all meetings of Full Council.
Pictured are outgoing Civic Chairman Councillor David Taylor (left) with his past Chairman’s badge, with newly appointed Civic Chairman Councillor Tony Kemp. Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal was unable to attend the meeting.
The hard work and dedication of employees across the council has been recognised with our annual Our Derbyshire Awards.
Earlier this year, we gave employees, partners and members of the public an opportunity to nominate individuals or teams who go above and beyond to support local communities and each other. We received over 200 nominations which were then carefully assessed and shortlisted.
Our finalists represented the breadth of services we provide including individuals from public health, social care, children’s services, public transport and administration.
Winners were presented with their awards by councillors, senior officers and sponsors at an event held at County Hall.
A special thanks goes to our sponsors who generously funded the event:
Access UK Ltd
Auto Windscreens
Blue Mountain Homes
Jacobs UK Ltd
Midway Care Group
Oxygen Finance
Socitm Advisory