SchoolsNet e-Bulletin No. 2024/ 17 New content for 14 May 2024

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Derbyshire Schools Net



No. 2024/ 17 - New content for 14 May 2024


Action Required

Pupil Census Thursday 16 May 2024 - reminder

Schools are reminded to enter notes in COLLECT in line with the DfE Acceptable Notepad Entries document, and also to read the NEW guidance on resolving duplicates.

Household Support Fund (HSF) grocery voucher data request – deadline 31 May 2024

Schools have been emailed, and also a letter placed in the Perspective Lite May General folder this week, requesting data and up-to-date parent contact details for children eligible to receive a free grocery voucher as part of the Council’s Household Support Fund distribution. Please note that data must be submitted by 31 May 2024. For any questions, please email Thank you for your support.



Jobs bulletin

Bulletin 07 May 2024.

Derbyshire Services for Schools – help shape the future survey - reminder

If you haven’t already, please complete the Services for Schools survey, which is part of an engagement process related to potential changes to the council’s traded service offer to schools. 

Become a Lead School for Derbyshire Music Hub

Does your school:

  • Exemplify high quality music provision and teaching?
  • Show commitment to curriculum delivery with significant timetable, co-curricular opportunities, inclusive provision and teacher development?
  • Advocate for music education and the work of the Music Hub to colleagues in other schools?

If so, why not apply to become one of the Hub’s lead schools. We are looking to appoint at least one primary and one secondary lead school for each geographical area across the county, plus one specialist setting lead as well. To find out more visit the Derbyshire Music Hub website.

Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness week

Partners across Derby and Derbyshire are supporting the fourth national Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Awareness week from 1 -7 July 2024. Find out how your school can be involved.




Derbyshire Services for Schools

View all of our services and packages 

View all of our training courses online 

Derbyshire School Leadership Conference 2024 - The compassionate leader – stronger together for schools in Derbyshire.

Come and join Derbyshire’s school leadership conference taking place at Derbyshire Hotel on 11 and 12 July 2024 for all headteachers, assistant headteachers, Senior Leadership team and governors.

Headteacher - 2 day ticket option 11 and 12 July 2024.
Headteacher - Day 1 only ticket option 11 July 2024
Governor - Day 2 only ticket option 12 July 2024