News from Derbyshire County Council – 16 February 2024 🔹 Balanced budget set by Council 🔹Early help and children's centres consultation 🔹Deadline approaching - apply now! 🔹 changes to speed limit on the A61🔹

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Derbyshire Now, Derbyshire County Council

Balanced budget set by Council

We have set a balanced budget for the year ahead following our meeting of Full Council earlier this week.

County Hall

At the meeting the net budget was set for 2024-25 at £714.8m and a council tax rise of 4.99% was agreed.

The Revenue Budget Report 2024-25 sets out our current financial position and contains a number of budget savings proposals to support a balanced budget for the term of our Five-Year Financial Plan up to 2028-29.

While a balanced budget for 2024-25 has been set, the financial position remains challenging and it was discussed at the meeting how difficult decisions must be made in the months ahead.

Final decisions have yet to be made on all the budget savings proposals, many of which would see some council services changing, reducing or stopping if agreed.

Some proposals will need to be considered separately at future Cabinet meetings and be subject to full public consultation or engagement where appropriate, giving residents the chance to have their say before final decisions are made.

Early help and children’s centres consultation

Have your say on possible changes to our early help services and children’s centres by taking part in our consultation on the future of these services.

In common with authorities across the country, we're facing budgetary pressures far greater than experienced before, due to factors beyond our control. These include dealing with higher than anticipated inflation and higher prices for fuel, energy and materials, meeting the cost of the national pay award set nationally but met locally, and the continued unprecedented increase in demand for vital adults’ and children’s social care services.

The changes are needed in order to support us setting a balanced budget. Around £3.9 million needs to be saved from the early help service and children’s centre budgets.

The early help teams and children’s centres provide a range of services for children and their families. The buildings are used by our teams to provide specific groups and activities for the families they are working with. The buildings are also used by other organisations to provide support to children and families as well as the wider community.

Deadline approaching - apply now!

Time is running out to apply for a Warm and Welcoming Spaces Grant from us.

warm spaces

If you know of a charity, community or voluntary group that could benefit from up to £1,000 to support Derbyshire residents struggling with the cost of living this winter please encourage them to apply.

But be quick! The deadline for applications is Friday 1 March.

Changes to speed limit on the A61

If you took part in our consultation on speed limits along the A61 between Chesterfield and Alfreton, you may be interested to know we’re proposing to make two changes.

After carefully considering the results, and other information, we’re proposing to:

  • reduce the speed limit around Watchorn Roundabout to 40mph from the National Speed Limit
  • extend the 30mph limit to include the start of the village in Higham and to cover the 90-degree bend.

More than 360 people gave their views as part of the consultation, which was carried out on the request of residents due to recent changes on the road and is separate to the ongoing work to tackle congestion.