SchoolsNet e-Bulletin No. 2024/ 03 New content for 23 January 2024

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Derbyshire Schools Net



No. 2023/ 03 - New content for 23 January 2024


Action Required

Derbyshire Parent Carer Voice (DPCV) SEND services survey

Derbyshire Parent Carer Voice (DPCV) is seeking views on Derbyshire SEND services from families of all children and young people aged 0 to 25 years with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND). Please share this survey with parent carers at your schools to make sure they have their say.

DPCV is the Parent Carer Forum for Derbyshire and aims to represent the voice of all parent carers in the county. The survey closes on Wednesday 31 January 2024.



Jobs bulletin

Bulletin 15 January 2024.

School learning programmes - The National Holocaust Centre and Museum

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum have created learning programmes for pupils in primary and secondary schools, which can be delivered at the Centre, online, or at your school. School curriculum links include English, History, Religious Studies, PSHE and Citizenship.

Assessment update Spring 2024

Please see updated national guidance around Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and KS1 and KS2 assessments. Training event, workshop and briefing information is also available on Services for Schools.

Northern Trains Ltd. apprenticeship offer

Northern Trains Ltd. have engineering apprenticeship vacancies available for young people which could lead to a rewarding career in the rail industry. A prospective apprentice has to be aged 15 to apply and can start after their 16th birthday. Northern Trains Ltd. are looking for a 50/50 gender split in apprenticeships offered. Please share this information with students.




Derbyshire Services for Schools

View all of our services and packages 

View all of our training courses online 

Headteacher and School Business Manager Forum

The termly online Headteacher and School Business Manager Forum.

25 January 2024 – 10am to midday

Free Edtech Innovators Event

Get hands-on experience with the latest devices, and uncover all-encompassing solutions to meet every school's tech needs. In-person at County Hall, Matlock.

15 February 2024 – 11am to 4pm

Year 2: Securing the expected standard in reading

Using Standards and Testing Agency (STA) materials, delegates will identify teaching and learning strategies to develop children’s reading skills to enable them to achieve the National Curriculum expected standard for reading at the end of Year 2.

25 January 2024 – 1.30 to 3pm (online)

Training course for new and prospective chairs of Governors

This online course aims to introduce you to the role of chair, and help you develop to become an effective leader of your board.

25 January 2024 – 6pm to 8pm.

Online safety – annual update

Essential online safety updates for all primary schools.

26 January 2024 – 9.30am to midday (online)