SchoolsNet e-Bulletin No. 2023/ 39 New content for 19 December 2023

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Derbyshire Schools Net



No. 2023/ 39 - New content for 19 December 2023


Action Required

Perspective Lite – new Headteachers

If you haven’t already, please email as soon as possible if you have a new Headteacher in post from January, so we can update account details and maintain school access to important documents.



Jobs bulletin

Bulletin 11 December 2023.



Prevent referrals workshop – Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)

A free online workshop to support schools regarding Prevent referrals.

7 February 2024 at 10:30am or,
14 February 2024 at 1:30pm.

For more information see Services for Schools – you need to be logged in to view this.


Derbyshire Services for Schools

View all of our services and packages 

View all of our training courses online 

Year 2: Securing the expected standard in writing

Using STA exemplifications and national curriculum expectations, delegates will identify strategies for developing children's writing skills so that they can fulfil their potential of achieving the expected standard in writing by the end of Year 2.

18 January 2024 – 1:30pm to 3pm

Important changes to Initial Teacher Training (ITT)

Significant changes have been made to the expectations on schools who offer placements for ITT students. One provider of the ITT programme has offered their time to meet and discuss these changes with Derbyshire schools.

18 January 2024 - 10am to 11am