Action Required
Please see the latest guidance from the HR services team, regarding changes to National Insurance contributions from January 2024.
Did you know, according to special educational needs and disability code of practice, all maintained schools and academies must include information on their school website as to where the local authority’s Local Offer is published? Derbyshire’s Local Offer website was redesigned in consultation with young people with special needs and disabilities and their families, and launched in June 2022. Please include a link on your website and also have a look at the website yourself and let us know what you think.
School contacts form update Autumn 2023 – urgent reminder
A few schools have still to complete the annual contacts review online form – please complete to ensure your school contacts are up to date. The contact reports and guidance were uploaded to each school’s Perspective Lite November General folder on 9 November and a link to the online form is included in the report. Thank you again to those schools who have completed the form already.
Bulletin 04 December 2023.
Register for your free BBC micro:bits now! – Primary schools deadline 18 December 2023
The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer which helps you teach children how to get creative with coding and tech. BBC Education, have just launched their exciting new campaign BBC micro:bit – the next gen in partnership with the Micro:bit Educational Foundation and Nominet.
They are donating a free classroom set of 30 BBC micro:bits to every UK primary school that registers, as well as supporting teachers with training webinars, virtual courses and a host of free classroom resources. You can find all the information here:
Please register for your school’s FREE micro:bits now, registration closes on 18 December 2023.
Derbyshire Services for Schools
Significant changes have been made to the expectations on schools who offer placements for ITT students. One provider of the ITT programme has offered their time to meet and discuss these changes with Derbyshire schools.